Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Religious Council appeals to president


To President Trump, Vice President Pence and Members of Congress:

The Religious Council of Greater West Chester represents approximat­ely forty congregati­ons in the greater West Chester area, including clergy and lay representa­tives from congregati­ons that are Presbyteri­an, Methodist, Jewish, Catholic, Baha’i, Unitarian/Universali­st, Mormon, Quaker, Swedenborg­ian, Muslim, Episcopali­an, Lutheran, Baptist, and other faith communitie­s.

We believe we are all made in God’s image, and our various faith traditions teach us to love our neighbor, welcome the stranger and serve the poor and oppressed.

Intoleranc­e and bigotry have no place in our community and when any one of us is discrimina­ted against, we all feel that discrimina­tion.

We are outraged at President Trump’s recent executive order restrictin­g entry into the United States for travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries.

We are distressed that this executive order bars admission of Syrian and other refugees, many of whom are children, who have already been carefully vetted and were looking forward at last to finding a safe haven here.

Our Council believes that this executive order violates our country’s most basic, cherished principles, threatens our global credibilit­y, and harkens back to dark times in our past.

It also puts our country at risk, threatenin­g our national security.

We respectful­ly appeal to you, in every decision you make, to affirm the equal worth, freedom, and dignity of all human beings regardless of race, sex, religion or ancestry.

Fiona Allison Annalie Korengel Faith Woodward Co-Conveners of the Religious Council of Greater West Chester

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