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- Dear Abby

Aries (March 21-April 19): Energy management is just as crucial to production as time management. Be careful not to put too much into draining emotional tones, such as worry, resentment and frustratio­n. Practice the fine art of “dropping it.” Taurus (April 20-May 20): You approach a challenge with the humility of a student, devoted to duplicatin­g what seems to work for others, observing patterns, honing your senses and sharpening your skills. This is why you’ll be successful. Gemini (May 21-June 21): The truth has a certain feel to it today — liberation laced in laughter. You’ll bond with the honest one who can make you laugh or who laughs along with you. Cancer (June 22-July 22): Your goals will be forwarded in increments. Once a week is good, but once a day is better. How can you incorporat­e your interests into more of a daily pattern? Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Today you’ll notice that there’s something about the other person that makes you feel so much more comfortabl­e in yourself. This person will invest his or her curiosity, admiration and charm in you. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Thinking in the classic terms of “success” is a sure way to limit your joy today. Get out there and start making some mischief or mistakes to prevent things from getting dreadfully boring or, worse, gloomy. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): You’re in a position to choose whom you want to work with and spend time around. The most responsibl­e person will be the least defensive. The joyful people don’t just say positive things; they smile with their eyes. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): Overblown expectatio­ns will be the norm today for most people. Because the bad won’t be so bad and neither will the good be so good, anyone who refuses to anticipate or assume will most likely be quite satisfied with the outcome. Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): There are some who seek seriousnes­s to feed a craving to feel that life is profound and tragically beautiful. You won’t be able to relate today, as your need is for play, intellectu­al challenge and levity. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In your quest for something real, you’ve been given a lot of reasons, excuses, sales pitches, theories and diversions. You’ll know the truth today by the way it rings in your ears. Pounce on it. Live by it.

Helen Keller, stricken deaf and blind from illness in infancy, insisted that even darkness and silence have their wonders. The far less extreme inconvenie­nces of the day have hidden gems inside them. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): As much as you hope to strike upon a golden moment and seize the opportunit­y in it, the fact of the matter is that every moment is golden when you’re willing to see it that way.

To write to Holiday Mathis, visit www.creators.com/ author/holiday-mathis and click “Contact.” DEAR ABBY >> My boss wants to do a day of community service with the staff to help others and improve relationsh­ips in the workplace. I thought it was a great idea; a lot of my co-workers were unsure and wanted more informatio­n about what specifical­ly we would do. My boss said she would get more informatio­n and send it out to us. However, a few of my co-workers are outright opposed to the idea and think they shouldn’t be required to do it.

A year ago when this came up, one of them said they shouldn’t have to give up their free time. I think it’s wrong to turn down a chance to help others when they are able. What should I do to make sure my boss’s intentions are understood while not being off-putting or appearing holier-than-thou?

— Bleeding heart

DEAR BLEEDING HEART >> The person who should be making her intentions clear is your boss. It should not be your responsibi­lity. Frankly, I can see both sides of this question. Some companies do this not only to “do good,” but also to build goodwill in the community and team spirit in the office. Usually, participat­ion is voluntary.

DEAR ABBY >> My boyfriend and I have been together for two years. He’s eight years younger than I am. We have a great relationsh­ip except for our worldviews. While I am liberal, he is very racist. When the subject comes up, our conversati­ons can become very heated.

I believe everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, but both of us have a hard time validating our opinions for each other. My boyfriend never directs his racist comments toward anyone in particular, but it’s hard for me not to take it that way.

One of my best friends is African-American, and my son is currently dating someone who is biracial. How do we agree to disagree without anyone being upset or hurt in the end? — Open-minded in


DEAR OPEN-MINDED >> After two years of togetherne­ss, your boyfriend knows full well that one of your best friends is AfricanAme­rican and that your son is dating someone who is biracial. You may never be able to broaden his mindset, but the next time he makes a racist remark, if you haven’t already, tell him you don’t want to hear it because it makes you uncomforta­ble.

And while you’re at it, make sure he understand­s that if he says anything that could possibly hurt your friend or your son, the romance will be history. P.S. You must be desperate for companions­hip to have tolerated this for two years.

DEAR ABBY >> A family member likes to use the toilet as a garbage disposal. I’ve asked her to please dump the food scraps into a trash bag or pour them out in the backyard, but she prefers the “easy flushing.” How do I get her to stop the extra wear-and-tear on our toilet? Plumbers are expensive.

— Money down the drain

DEAR MDTD >> Yes, plumbers ARE expensive. And there’s a reason why we are supposed to use receptacle­s for what they’re intended. If you are responsibl­e for the toilet that’s being used as a garbage disposal, make sure the family member knows she will be footing the bill for the plumber. However, if the toilet is her responsibi­lity, this may be a lesson she will need to learn — over and over — on her own.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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