Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)


- Dear Abby

Aries (March 21-April 19): Whether or not your position is official, you and all around you sense the same thing; you’re a leader now, and you’ll press on with confidence (that you may not actually feel) to show others the way. Taurus (April 20-May 20): Today, all speaking will be public speaking, or at least you should consider it as such. Stay on point. Even if you’re only telling one person, craft your message as you would if it were being broadcast wide. Gemini (May 21-June 21): Another one of those trials that test your mettle will be featured. Sure, you could do without this interrupti­on of routine. Then again, since you know that the conflicts and inconvenie­nces are what keep you on your game, you’ll gladly take it on. Cancer (June 22-July 22): Your water-sign nature will be amplified as your feelings flow with what’s around you in a way that feels as destined as the river that rushes over obstacles and cliffs to get to the sea. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Letting go of worry seems harder than it should be. But you crave a peaceful easy feeing and you’ll have it. Whatever it will take to align yourself with the highest and best in your nature, you’ll be willing to do it today. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Maybe you used to think of a certain person as your adversary, but things have changed. You’re not working at cross-purposes anymore; maybe you never were. You’ll be partners in seeking a solution that’s a mutual win. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): You got the feeling you were doing the right thing, and that intuition will prove accurate. You will have sublime success if you stay on this course. All you have to do is keep putting one foot in front of the other and continue on this path. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): You’ll be visited by a ray of hope, or rather, you’ll be heartened by the ray of hope that was always there, just hiding behind some cloud cover for a while. Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): There are many difficulti­es and challenges in the creative process. There are fears to overcome, skills to acquire and risks galore. Yet, in the end, it’s creating that brings you the greatest joy and satisfacti­on. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): If just one person feels more loving and accepted today because of you, you’ve made a difference in the world. And if that one person happens to also be you, it still totally counts. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Much will be requested of you. Just because it’s doable doesn’t make it reasonable or advisable. Stand up for yourself. Don’t accommodat­e others at the expense of your own comfort and well-being. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): Blaming another is a waste of time. Blaming yourself is also useless. Think in terms of cause and effect. You can find a quick solution when you skip the emotional baggage that comes with blame.

To write to Holiday Mathis, visit www.creators.com/ author/holiday-mathis and click “Contact.” DEAR ABBY >> I’m not proud to write this, but I don’t like my son-in-law. I think the feeling is mutual. He’s arrogant and thinks he knows everything.

My daughter and I had a close bond before she married him. That quickly changed. She barely comes to my house anymore, and I don’t see my grandkids as often as I’d like. I don’t have a car (I’m working on that), and I rely on them for transporta­tion. I don’t like going to their house because I don’t feel wanted.

I tolerate my son-in-law because I know my daughter loves him and I try hard to stay out of their business. What advice can you offer me?

— Wishing things were better

DEAR WISHING >> Has it occurred to you that your daughter may be hurt or uncomforta­ble because she knows you dislike her husband? If he makes your daughter happy and is a good father to your grandchild­ren, give him points for that, and be glad you aren’t the one who has to live with him.

You don’t have to love him, but you must maintain a cordial relationsh­ip if only for your daughter’s sake. Keep working on getting that car so you’ll have your own transporta­tion when you need it, and your visit won’t be perceived as an imposition.

DEAR ABBY >> My son is angry to the point of rage that my daughter is dating his best friend, “Ron.” He says his sister “betrayed him” because when she and Ron broke up, she promised never to date another of his friends again, but went back to dating Ron. He also blames my husband and me for encouragin­g them. They are only 18 months apart in age.

We have shared that we understand his feelings of loss regarding his friend, but we don’t think there’s anything wrong with her dating Ron. I don’t think anything will make him feel better except them breaking up again, and that doesn’t look like it will happen.

My son is 22 and my daughter is 20. This is ruining the once close-knit family we had. Any advice you can offer would be appreciate­d.

— Mess on the East Coast

DEAR MESS >> Your son may be 22, but he needs to grow up. If he values his friendship with Ron, he will have to accept that he cannot control the love lives of others, and the person he is punishing with the stance he has taken is himself. It’s time for you to step back. You and your spouse will be better off if you stop allowing your adult son’s tantrum(s) to affect you.

DEAR ABBY >> While dining in a fancy restaurant recently, I noticed a woman sitting a few tables away who had a number of tattoos on her arms and elsewhere. When she came by, I politely asked her what one of them meant. My wife was furious! Did I do something wrong?

— Inquiring question

DEAR INQUIRING >> Tattoos often have deeply personal meanings to the wearer. Although some individual­s might welcome the opportunit­y to explain them to a stranger, others would not because the tat may commemorat­e a very personal — or sad — milestone. Your wife may have become upset because she felt the question was presumptuo­us.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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