Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Perplexed by Costello concern


I was somewhat perplexed by the article “Costello talks of security concerns” (Daily Local, July 23).

Rep. Costello (R-PA 6) is quoted as saying that those trying to get him to attend a town hall meeting with constituen­ts earlier this year “actually were creating a potential trap for me so people would be able to shoot at me.”

Did he mean 1) that he thinks the organizers were (and perhaps still are) planning to assassinat­e him? Or 2) that he worries about appearing at a public event that could also be attended by unstable people who have guns?

I have attended some of the rallies outside his office, calling for him to act on issues like supporting Medicare and opposing Trumpcare; and I have to say, hypothesis 1) seems to me absurd. The people who organize and attend those rallies are not deranged and are not violent, quite the contrary.

Hypothesis 2) seems more plausible. When Rep. Costello has appeared among constituen­ts outside his office on Market St. — which is a good thing to do—it has been without advance notice; and the town hall he has held was inside the Courthouse, with security screening. That is not an irrational decision, given the attack in a public venue on former congresswo­man Gabby Giffords (D-AZ) and those around her. Even the most progun members of Congress do not seem eager to allow members of the public to bring guns into the Capitol building.

I have often noticed that the shades on Rep. Costello’s office windows are drawn. His staff have said that is because they fear papers on their desks being seen from outside, but that’s hard to understand, as his windows are one floor above ground level. Perhaps the real fear is being shot at from outside?

If Rep. Costello and his staff are really worried about the dangers posed by unstable people who should not have access to guns, can we expect him to oppose bills now before Congress that would make it easier for people to carry concealed guns, to equip weapons with silencers, and to bring firearms into public schools?

We’ll see, but it’s hard to be optimistic, since Rep. Costello recently voted for HR 1181, to allow gun purchase by almost 200,000 veterans who currently are prevented from buying guns by action of Veterans Administra­tion medical profession­als under the National Instant Background Check system.

Still, Rep. Costello likes to represent himself as a moderate representi­ng a “purple” district, and perhaps his security concerns will give him a chance to distance himself from the NRA and to show that he has everyone’s security at heart, not just his own. Nathaniel Smith

West Chester

She persisted!

We’d like to thank Senators Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and Mazie Hirano for their courageous and tireless efforts to defeat a horribly cruel piece of health care legislatio­n.

Senators Collins and Murkowski faced incredibly intense pressure, financial consequenc­es for their state (thank you - cowardly mouthpiece for Trump - Ryan Zinke), personal threats (discussion of a challenge to a duel from Republican Representa­tive Blake Farenthold, Texas), reported death threats, tweets from President Trump, and general sexist censure from their Republican colleagues in the Senate.

While Senator John McCain has been praised for his vote, let’s not forget that these three female Senators were opposed to the bill all along the way. They will be running for re-election real time in the future. Senator McCain was lauded for traveling all the way to DC after serious cranial surgery for a malignancy. Amidst the loud clapping, let’s not forget that Senator Mazie Hirano traveled all the way from Hawaii in the midst of treatment for stage IV renal carcinoma.

These women are heroines. They stood up to be counted because they cared about their constituen­ts as did Senator Bob Casey. That brings us to Senator Pat Toomey.

Many Senators claimed they wouldn’t vote for the skinny bill unless they were certain that the House wouldn’t pass it. Think about that.

These men would vote “Yes” if they were assured that their vote wouldn’t count. Not exactly a profile in courage. There was no guarantee. Senator Toomey once again demonstrat­ed conclusive­ly that he is willing to turn his back on thousands of his constituen­ts. Shame on him!! Karen J. Stanley Captain George H. Geller USCGR (Ret) Kennett Square

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