Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Children need Safe Harbor


If you’re sitting in a doctor’s office and see a patient wearing handcuffs and leg shackles, your assumption is that she is a criminal.

Probably a dangerous criminal.

Most likely, you’ll send glances or the body language of fear, disdain and horror. What if she isn’t a criminal? What if she is a child-victim of sex traffickin­g?

Although PA Act 105 (a comprehens­ive law against human traffickin­g) states that a child younger than 18 years old who is sold for sex is a victim of sex traffickin­g, other laws allow for her to be arrested and locked up as a criminal prostitute.

These shackled victims end up at medical appointmen­ts, where patients in waiting rooms shun them and look on with venom, despite the fact that they are children waiting to be treated for the effects of heinous crimes.

Pennsylvan­ia House Bill 2289, known as “Safe Harbor Legislatio­n” — which unanimousl­y passed the PA Senate as SB 554 — was penned to correct that situation.

If PA HB 2289/SB 554 came into law, child-victims would be provided services instead of handcuffs and lock-up.

Tragically, now the bill itself is a victim. PA House Speaker Mike Turzai has refused to allow HB 2289/ SB 554 to move forward for a vote unless an unpopular bill that he has sponsored is brought to the forefront.

If Safe Harbor legislatio­n doesn’t pass the PA House of Representa­tives by December, the bill will die.

As members of the Chester County Anti-Human Traffickin­g Coalition, we have advocated for this legislatio­n for a year-and-a-half.

We understand that most children who are sold for sex have been previously sexually, physically and psychologi­cally abused.

We have seen survivors who struggle to recover when society doesn’t understand the trauma they have endured.

We have seen the destructio­n of human life that occurs when adults — once victims of child-sex traffickin­g — have been treated as criminals, not victims.

We need additional voices to fight for these child-victims.

It is time for neighbors to call or write their PA Representa­tives to push for this bill to come up for a vote in fall.

It is time to create a more just system for child-victims of sex traffickin­g.

Until we speak out for them and change the law, children who are already victims are the ones who suffer more. Carol Hart Metzker Diane DeSieno

West Chester

Energy forum was valuable

(Recently) I attended a clean energy forum with Senator Dinniman, Representa­tive Comitta, Mayor Herrin, at West Chester University.

The forum served as a great opportunit­y to engage with our lawmakers on some of the most pressing environmen­tal issues facing Chester County.

The conversati­on focused mostly on transition­ing to 100% renewable energy and becoming less dependent on fossil fuels.

At the forum, Dinniman, Comitta, and Herrin, along with WCU Sustainabi­lity Director Brad Flamm, discussed what they are doing to support the switch to renewables.

Dinniman and Comitta have both co-sponsored bipartisan legislatio­n is Harrisburg that would commit PA to transition­ing to 100% renewables by 2050.

Herrin, as well as multiple other Chester County mayors, have also committed their respective towns to transition­ing to 100% renewable energy.

At West Chester, the university has charted a path forward using solar and geothermal energy.

I want to thank all of the panelists for their continued commitment to clean energy.

We must encourage the community to continue to make the environmen­t a priority.

We need to start now if we really want to make a difference and slow the effects of climate change. Ryan Prater West Chester

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