Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)


- Dear Abby

Aries (March 21-April 19): When there’s plenty to do but not a lot on the agenda that you’re excited about, it’s not time to change your attitude. It’s time to change the agenda. Your attitude will follow. Taurus (April 20-May 20): Reward lies ahead. This is not a pat on the back for compliance, or the salary you agreed to; rather, it’s a lavish sense of fulfillmen­t that creeps into your being and sticks around. Gemini (May 21-June 21): It’s only natural that relationsh­ips will shift with every new move and influence, though we are often unaware of the changes taking place. Stay aware today and you’ll be able to guide this to the benefit of all. Cancer (June 22-July 22): Because you’re eager to move on to the next thing, you might be tempted to make an agreement that’s more convenient than it is beneficial to you. A small amount of research will show you better options. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): It’s time to show off all that work you’ve done to present yourself well. Put yourself out there. The more accessible you are, the more money you’ll make. Friendline­ss leads to social opportunit­y. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Personal ambition can be like the high-rise constructi­on that obscures the view from your home on the ground. To see all the good stuff, you have to walk around to the other side. It’s time to put some of this behind you. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): You know a thing or two about justice. It often comes in ways other than the ones men choose and has been known to be served on a plate of poetry with a side of humor. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): While it may seem obvious to you what action would be best to solve the problem at hand, others have their own ideas. They process life differentl­y and won’t see the same options. Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Whatever you’re selling, keep the price high. Don’t cheap out on yourself. Don’t cave to deals of convenienc­e. If you get no offers, this is actually a blessing. Try again later and charge even more. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): To be well-off is to have more than enough to live on. To be crazy rich is to count relationsh­ips as your most valuable treasures and let them reward you beyond measure. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): A wrong will be righted. There’s little you have to do to make this so — the work has either been accomplish­ed already or is out of your hands for other reasons. It’s now best to let the reckoning unfold without interferen­ce. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): A suggestion hangs in the atmosphere of an interestin­g setting. It’s hard to know when a promise that’s not clearly defined is ever really delivered, but the poetry here makes you care less about the outcome. DEAR ABBY >> My 7-year-old granddaugh­ter, “Hannah,” is the light of my life. Her mother walked out on her when she was 2, and her mother’s parents don’t know she exists. Her mother hid her pregnancy and delivery, and the child has lived with us since birth. My heart has always broken for her maternal grandparen­ts. I could not imagine not knowing Hannah and missing out on her life. I have always wanted to send them pictures or even introduce her to them (they don’t live far from us). My husband says it’s not our place, and we run the risk of them trying to get some kind of custody.

Currently, my son and Hannah’s mother share legal custody, but he has full physical custody. There has been no communicat­ion from her mother in at least five years.

Hannah is starting to ask questions about her mother, and we have always been truthful with her. It will not be long before she puts things together and realizes she has another set of grandparen­ts. Should we inform them about their grandchild? — Holding a secret in the East

DEAR HOLDING >> Because your son has full physical custody of Hannah, tell him about your concerns. Hannah’s maternal grandparen­ts have been in the dark for so long, the news of her existence is bound to be a bombshell. There’s a reason why their daughter didn’t want them to know about her, and as you pointed out, there could be legal ramificati­ons. Because Hannah is now asking questions about her mother, her father should prepare to answer them for her. However well-intentione­d you may be, this matter is for your son to deal with, not you.

DEAR ABBY >> I’m a teen girl. “Chloe” and I have been friends since first grade. Even though we went to different high schools and have made other friends, we still remained close, spending summer vacations with each other’s family.

We are now juniors in high school. Last summer she told me she’s a lesbian and shared all her feelings with me. I understand her, and we’re still close friends, sharing each other’s secrets. Her family knows and accepts her sexual orientatio­n as I and my family do.

Three months ago, she met a partner, and I was truly happy for her. Unfortunat­ely, her partner must feel insecure about our friendship because she has turned Chloe against me. Chloe no longer returns my calls or texts.

I miss my friend and confidante badly and can’t get over it. How can I get over my loss? I can’t understand why we all can’t be friends. I don’t know what to do. — Missing my bestie in


DEAR MISSING >> You can’t “all be friends” because Chloe’s girlfriend is threatened by the long-standing relationsh­ip you have had with her. This has nothing to do with you; it is a reflection of the girl’s insecurity and possessive­ness. If things don’t work out with Chloe’s girlfriend, there is a distinct possibilit­y that she will be back in your life. Do not burn any bridges, but do continue to form relationsh­ips with other people. It will help to soothe the loneliness you are feeling.

DEAR ABBY >> I would like to throw a 70th birthday party for myself, but I don’t want the guests to think I’m doing it to get presents. What should I do? — Looking to have fun

DEAR LOOKING >> Include with the invitation­s: “The only present I require is the gift of your presence.”

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