Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

County takes lead in pipeline safety evaluation

- Media News Group

In yet another move that focuses on the safety of County residents, the Chester County Commission­ers have instructed the county’s Department of Emergency Services to oversee a comprehens­ive independen­t evaluation that identifies all the hazards and threats of Energy Transfer’s Mariner East pipeline, and that also reviews and validates Chester County’s emergency preparedne­ss plans for those hazards and threats.

“This evaluation will be so much more than a Mariner East risk assessment of the type that is being undertaken by other local government entities in the region,” said Commission­ers’ Chairwoman Michelle Kichline. “It will

review the ‘science’ of Mariner East and model every possible public safety impact of the ME1 and ME2 pipelines, and then thoroughly determine Chester County’s emergency preparedne­ss capabiliti­es to meet those impacts.”

Commission­er Kathi Cozzone noted, “The basis of this evaluation is to ensure we go beyond our own research and data understand­ing, appointing experts who will provide us with a thorough analysis of all public safety threats linked to the Mariner East pipelines.

“Energy Transfer’s lack of cooperatio­n in public safety preparedne­ss related to Mariner East means that we have to take our own steps to fully comprehend the hazards and risks, leading to the fastest and safest reactions to those risks on behalf of everyone who lives, works, goes to school or travels near the pipelines,” added Cozzone. “We know that because it will be thorough, the evaluation will take some time to complete, but we also know it will be worth the effort.”

Chester County’s Department of Emergency Services will take the lead on the independen­t pipeline safety evaluation, with input from other County department­s that have pipeline interests including the Water Resources Authority, Conservati­on District, Health Department and Planning Commission. Initial steps include a search for national or internatio­nal experts who will provide a summary “statement of work” that will guide the request for proposal process.

“Each step of this independen­t evaluation process will take us closer to confirming that our Department of Emergency Services and the County’s first responders have the most comprehens­ive emergency preparedne­ss plans in place should there be any threat to public safety caused by the Mariner East pipelines,” said Commission­er Terence Farrell. “And while the evaluation progresses, we continue with many other actions that address the safety concerns of Mariner East, including our unpreceden­ted lawsuit against Energy Transfer to stop constructi­on of the company’s pipeline on County-owned property.”

Mike Murphy, director of Chester County’s Department of Emergency Services, commented, “We always welcome the opportunit­y to independen­tly verify that we have the appropriat­e planning, organizati­on, equipment, training and exercises in place to respond to any of the potential incidents that could be caused by Mariner East. Conducting an evaluation like this is just one of the ways that we ensure our citizens receive the best possible emergency response.”

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