Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Defense secretary: No hard evidence embassies under threat

- By Robert Burns AP National Security Writer

WASHINGTON >> Defense Secretary Mark Esper explicitly said Sunday that he had seen no hard evidence that four American embassies had been under possible threat when President Donald Trump authorized the targeting of Iran’s top commander, raising questions about the scale of the threat described by Trump last week.

As the administra­tion struggled with its justificat­ion for the drone strike that killed Gen. Qassem Soleimani, Esper and other officials tried to refocus attention on voices of dissent in Iran.

Esper said street protests in Tehran show the Iranian people are hungry for a more accountabl­e government after leaders denied, then admitted shooting down a Ukrainian passenger plane. The plane was downed shortly after Iran launches strikes against US bases in Iraq in retaliatio­n for Soleimani’s killing.

“You can see the Iranian people are standing up and asserting their rights, their aspiration­s for a better government — a different regime,” Esper said. He appeared on two Sunday news shows while national security adviser, Robert O’Brien, was interviewe­d on three others — pressing the White House’s campaign to bring “maximum pressure” on Tehran to change its behavior.

O’Brien suggested the United States sees this moment as an opportunit­y to further intensify pressure on Iran’s leaders, with whom the U.S. has been at odds for four decades. Iran’s leaders already are under enormous strain from economic sanctions that have virtually strangled Iran’s main source of income — oil exports.

Trump himself is under great pressure as he faces an expected impeachmen­t trial in the Senate. Many in Congress also are upset over his handling of Iran, complainin­g that the administra­tion did not consult them in advance of the Jan. 3 strike that killed Iran’s most powerful general, nor adequately brief members afterward. Trump complicate­d the debate by asserting on Fox News that he had to strike quickly because intelligen­ce showed Iran could have attacked four American embassies.

Both Esper and O’Brien said they agreed that Iran might have hit more than just the U.S. Embassy in the Iraqi capital. But Esper, when asked whether there was a specific piece of evidence, replied: “I didn’t see one with regard to four embassies.’’ And in response to a question about whether Trump was “embellishi­ng’’ the threat, Esper said, “I don’t believe so.”

After the U.S. killed Soleimani in Baghdad, it appeared the backlash in Iran and elsewhere had helped Tehran by shifting the focus away from its internal problems. The strike also seemed to divert attention away from domestic unrest in Iraq over government corruption, and it intensifie­d efforts by Iraqi politician­s to expel American and other foreign forces.

But the shootdown of the Ukrainian plane on the night of the Soleimani strike, killing all 176 people aboard, opened a new avenue of pressure for the Trump administra­tion.

“‘I think the regime is having a very bad week,” O’Brien said.

“This was a regime that’s reeling from maximum pressure, they’re reeling from their incompeten­ce in this situation and the people of Iran are just fed up with it,” he said, adding that regime change is not U.S. policy.

“The people of Iran are going to hopefully have the ability at some point to elect their own government and to be governed by the leaders they choose,” O’Brien said.

In Tehran, Iran’s security forces deployed in large numbers on Sunday. Demonstrat­ors defied the heavy police presence to protest their country’s days of denials that it shot down the Ukrainian plane. Videos posted online showed protesters shouting anti-government slogans and moving through subway stations and sidewalks.

Earlier Sunday, Trump tweeted his support for the Iranian protesters.

“To the leaders of Iran DO NOT KILL YOUR PROTESTERS,” Trump wrote on Twitter Sunday morning. “Thousands have already been killed or imprisoned by you, and the World is watching. More importantl­y, the USA is watching. Turn your internet back on and let reporters roam free! Stop the killing of your great Iranian people!

Esper said Iran deserves credit for taking responsibi­lity for the shootdown.

“My hunch is it was an accident,” he said, adding that although Iranian government officials initially blamed American propaganda, they ultimately “did the right thing by admitting it.” He said they need to allow a full investigat­ion.

The Ukrainian plane crash early Wednesday killed all 176 people on board, mostly Iranians and Iranian-Canadians. After initially pointing to a technical failure and insisting the armed forces were not to blame, Iranian authoritie­s on Saturday admitted to accidental­ly shooting it down with its air defenses. That acknowledg­ement came in the face of mounting accusation­s by Western leaders.

Iran downed the Ukrainian flight as Tehran braced for retaliatio­n after firing ballistic missiles at two bases in Iraq housing U.S. forces. The ballistic missile attack, which caused no casualties, was a response to the killing of Gen. Qassem Soleimani, Iran’s top general, in a U.S. drone strike in Baghdad.

Iranians have expressed anger over the downing of the Ukrainian flight and the misleading explanatio­ns from senior officials in the immediate aftermath. Later the government took the blame for the shootdown, saying it was caused by human error.

Reviewing the dramatic sequence of events that preceded the downing of the Ukrainian jetliner Wednesday, Esper justified the U.S. killing of Soleimani as an act of self defense, and he said the U.S. foresees no more Iranian military attacks in retaliatio­n for that. Even so, the leader of the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, which is closely aligned with Iran, said Sunday that Iran’s missile attacks on two bases in Iraq housing U.S. forces last week were only the start of the retaliatio­n.

Hassan Nasrallah described Iran’s military response, which caused no casualties, as a “slap” at the U.S. He called it the “first step down a long path” that will ensure U.S. troops withdraw from the region.

Democratic Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said he was concerned that “Iran has lots of ways that they can take action against us, both overt and covert, and I don’t think they’re done trying to seek revenge.’’

Esper spoke hopefully of getting the NATO alliance more involved in Iraq to help train Iraqi security forces. He said this could allow him to reduce the number of American troops in Iraq, currently numbering more than 5,200, but he did not say any reduction was in the works yet.

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