Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Lukewarm reaction to Trump’s ‘ vision’

- Bymichael P. Rellahan mrellahan@ 21st- centurymed­ia. com @ Chescocour­tnews on Twitter

More than three- and- a- half years into his presidency and 40 days from an election, President Donald Trump last week launched what aides termed a “vision” for health care heavy on unfulfille­d aspiration­s.

“This is affirmed, signed, and done, so we can put that to rest,” Trump said. He signed an executive order on a range of issues, including protecting people with preexistin­g medical conditions from insurance discrimina­tion, eliminatin­g “surprise” medical

bills, and issuing prescripti­on drug payment cards.

But the right to insurance coverage is already guaranteed in the Obamaera health law his administra­tion is asking the Supreme Court to overturn, and the other initiative­s lacked legislativ­e authority. And Trump’s speech seemed more a chance to launch a political attack, as he accused Democrats of wanting to unleash a “socialist nightmare” on the U. S. health care system, complete with rationing.

OnMonday, the two candidates for the 6th Congressio­nal District, which comprises all of ChesterCou­nty and part of Berks County, reacted to Trump’s health care ideas. Neither offered a ringing endorsemen­t.

Incumbent U. S. Rep. Chrissy Houlahan in a telephone interview called the president’s actions “cynical and hypocritic­al,” since his announceme­nt comes so close to Election Day as his administra­tion is actively trying to undo healthcare provisions in place.

“Inmydistri­ct, healthcare is issue No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3,” she said fromher home in Easttown. “This issue could not be more important to our constituen­ts, our Commonweal­th, and our country. But the reality is that the only thing this administra­tion has done is to undermine the Affordable car Act ( ACA)” which guarantees the rights of those with pre- existing conditions.

Houlahan said that bipartisan efforts to address some of Trump’s initiative­s, suchas a curb on “surprise” bills that lack transparen­cy, have been wending their way through the Congress without help from theWhiteHo­use. “This is a president unwilling to come to the table,” she said.

“These are enormously complicate­d issues the Congress has been working on,”

he said. “Our experience is that when the conference lens in on his conference, things start to work their way through the legislativ­e system.” Signing executive orders as Trump did last week, is “almost like sending an internal memo.”

Her Republican opponent, New London businessma­n John Emmons, said he supported Trump’s ideas, particular­ly his commitment toprotecti­ng those who have pre- existing conditions, but cast a cold eye on the president’s means for putting forth his “vision”— the executive order.

“I think it’s a conversati­on starter,” said Emmons of Trump’s speech in an airplane hanger in swing- state North Carolina. “In general, I am not in favor of a frequent use of executive orders. I’d like to see Congress take up those issues and work with a president to get these things resolved. Because Donald Trump is a good negotiator, it is very possible that this is part of a negotiatin­g process.

“But ultimately, it is Congress’s responsibi­lity to figure this out,” said the GOP Trump supporter. “There are a number of things we need to do to improve out health care system, from a cost standpoint, and I think this is an great opportunit­y to improve our system. Bringing down the cost of health care is something I’ve done on my own in business, and I am eager to get in and start to work on these ideas.”

The president’s latest health care pitch won accolades from administra­tion officials and political supporters but failed to impress others.

“Executive orders issued close to elections are not the same thingas actual policies,” said KatherineH­empstead, a senior policy adviser with the nonpartisa­n Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which works on a range of health care issues, fromcovera­ge to quality.

“When I looked at it, I asked, ‘ What does it

change?’ said Dr. Mian Jan, a Chester County cardiologi­st and past- president of the Chester County Medical Society, a non- partisan organizati­on dedicated to advancing healthcare in the local community and protecting resources available. “Is it any different than the way things stand now? To me, it seems like a rebranding of the ACA ( Affordable Care Act).”

“Protecting insurance for people with pre- existing conditions, is a very important thing,” he said, but it is already establishe­d law. And Trump’s plan to send $ 200 prescripti­on drug debit cards to senior seemed unorganize­d. “How do you do that?” Jan wondered during an interview. “Do you do that one time, or multiple times? Once a year? There doesn’t seem to be any clarity on how they are going to be dispersed.

“I know that this has been a big concern of his, but I’m not sure a lot of those things are doable,” he added.

Trump returned tohealth care amid disapprova­l of his administra­tion’s handling of the coronaviru­s pandemic and growing uncertaint­y about the future of the Obama- era law.

In a rambling speech last week, he promised quality health care at affordable prices, lower prescripti­on drug costs, more consumer choice and greater transparen­cy. His executive order would also to try to end surprise medical bills.

“‘ If we win we will have a better and less expensive plan that will always protect individual­s with preexistin­g conditions,” Trump declared.

But while his administra­tion has made some progress on its health care goals, the sweeping changes Trump promised as a candidate in 2016 have eluded him.

The clock has all but run out in Congress for major legislatio­n on lowering drug costs or ending surprise bills, much less replacing

the Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare.”

For Trump, health care represents a major piece of unfinished business.

Prescripti­on drug inflation has stabilized when generics are factored in, but the dramatic price rollbacks he once teased have not materializ­ed. In his speech the president highlighte­d another executive order directing Medicare to pay no more than what other nations pay for medication­s, but it remains yet to be seen how that policy will work in practice, if it can overcome fierce opposition­fromthe drug industry.

Trump said millions of Medicare recipients will soon receive a card in the mail containing $ 200 that they can use to help pay for prescripti­on medication­s. “I will always take care of our wonderful senior citizens,” he promised. No detail was immediatel­y available on when seniors would get such a card or how the cost of the assistance would be paid for.

More broadly, the number of uninsured Americans started edging up under Trump even before job losses in the economic shutdown to try to contain the coronaviru­s pandemic. Various studies have tried to estimate the additional coverage losses this year, but the most authoritat­ive government statistics have a long time lag. Larry Levitt of the nonpartisa­n Kaiser Family Foundation says his best guess is “several million.”

Meanwhile, Trump is pressing the Supreme Court to invalidate the entire Obama health law, which provides coverage to more than 20 million people and protects Americans with medical problems from insurance discrimina­tion. That case will be argued a week after Election Day.

This story includes informatio­n fromthe Associated Press.

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