Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Last chance to improve redistrict­ing


For the past decade, there has been a bipartisan effort to change where lines are drawn.

For much of the past decade there has been a bipartisan effort to change the way state legislativ­e and congressio­nal districts are drawn in Pennsylvan­ia.

It was driven by frustratio­n over increasing­ly ridiculous district maps that were drawn without even an attempt to hide the clear political intent behind them. Counties, municipali­ties and communitie­s were divided as districts were contorted into shapes that made absolutely no geographic sense. The principal motivation was to ensure there was a plurality of members of one party or another to ensure a strong political advantage.

The process is controlled by lawmakers, effectivel­y meaning that they get to choose their voters. The result is lots of races that are either unconteste­d or in which one candidate has to start at a deep disadvanta­ge. This tends to produce more extreme candidates, as there’s little incentive tomove to themiddle when there isn’t serious competitio­n from the other party. It’s one of several factors that have led to deep political divisions and difficulty reaching compromise­s.

But many lawmakers in Harrisburg do not want to give up their redistrict­ing power, and efforts to move the process to an independen­t commission have failed to bear fruit despite strong support from the public.

The good news is that the state Supreme Court in 2018 ruled that the congressio­nal district maps were so extreme that they were unconstitu­tional. The court drew new maps that, while not perfect, better represente­d the evenly divided political makeup of Pennsylvan­ia. The politician­s taking part in the next redistrict­ing processes will have to keep that in mind.

But more needs to be done to ensure fairness. While it’s too late to change who decides how lines are drawn based on the 2020 census, there is still time to enact legislatio­n that offers some improvemen­ts to the process.

The Legislativ­e and Congressio­nal Redistrict­ing Act, or LACRA, is a measure with bipartisan support in the House and Senate. Sen. Thomas Killion, a Delaware County Republican, and Rep. Tim Hennessey, a Chester County Republican, are among the sponsors.

The bill leaves the legislativ­e redistrict­ing process in the hands of lawmakers but establishe­s new requiremen­ts for transparen­cy and fairness. Lawmakers would have to hold public meetings, make underlying data available for analysis and set strict criteria for drawing the maps. This includes a requiremen­t that county and city boundaries be taken into account. People in Berks County, routinely sliced and diced in redistrict­ing for years now, should take note.

It would invite public involvemen­t in the process by establishi­ng a website containing proposed maps and analyses, public comments and other informatio­n.

There’s not much time to get this done. If this redistrict­ing reform doesn’t pass both houses by Nov. 30, there won’t be a chance to change the process for another decade.

We would much rather have seen a more ambitious redistrict­ing reform measure emerge from the Legislatur­e. As long as lawmakers are involved directly in the process, it’s all too likely that they will try to work it to their advantage, even if it’s in more subtle ways than they did a decade or so ago.

But in the absence of a measure that completely alters the process, the measure being contemplat­ed now is well worth pursuing. At least moving redistrict­ing work beyond closed doors should discourage some of the worst excesses of the past.

We urge lawmakers to move forward with this legislatio­n even as they deal with the budget and other difficulti­es with little time left in this session. It’s an opportunit­y to chip away at one of the problems that has damaged people’s faith in the electoral process.

And whether this legislatio­n passes or not, efforts to substantia­lly remake the redistrict­ing process should continue in the coming decade. That includes the difficult, time-consuming process of enacting a constituti­onal amendment, which would be required to change the way state legislativ­e lines are drawn.

Pennsylvan­ia can do better. The fight to ensure fairness in our representa­tion must go on.

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