Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)


- By Phillip Alder

Ambrose Bierce, in “The Devils’ Dictionary,” defined optimism as “the doctrine or belief that everything is beautiful, including what is ugly.”

Bridge players are either optimistic or pessimisti­c. The former assume all finesses work and suits split nicely; the latter expects the opposite. In general, bet on the pessimists. Similarly, in the auction, some players bid the spots off the cards; others tread more carefully. There is a third category: those who are swayed by the vulnerabil­ity.

Look at the South hand in today’s diagram. North passes, and East opens two hearts, showing a decent six-card suit and 5-10 high-card points. Do you agree with your two-no-trump overcall? Then, after North advances three hearts, a transfer bid promising at least five spades, what would you do?

I agree with two no-trump, despite its flaws, because the alternativ­es are worse. To pass with 16 points or to overcall three diamonds on such a weak suit has no appeal. Yes, here, no-trump would have played better from the North side, but he wouldn’t have bid three no-trump over three diamonds.

Should you complete the transfer with three spades or superaccep­t by jumping to four spades, showing four-card spade support and a suitable hand for spades? Since partner could have nothing, you should be pessimisti­c — or realistic — and settle for three spades. Hope that if four spades is making, partner makes another bid.

A t the table, North passed out three spades, of course. South was held to nine tricks when the defenders took two top diamonds, a diamond ruff and the heart ace.

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