Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Book World: Why is ‘The Push’ so popular? Perhaps because it plays into a mother’s worst fears

- By Maureen Corrigan

By Ashley Audrain Pamela Dorman Books. 320 pp. $26

• • • The new year’s first blockbuste­r novel is “The Push,” by Ashley Audrain, a psychologi­cal suspense tale about a mother’s fears that her preschool-age daughter may be a psycho killer. If this premise sounds familiar, you may be recalling The Mother of All Evil Spawn Stories, the 1956 film “The Bad Seed.” (When I was growing up in New York, occasional reruns of “The Bad Seed” would play on “The Million Dollar Movie,” which featured the same “classic” film every afternoon for a week, thus imprinting it on malleable viewers’ brains.) “The Bad Seed,” which was inspired by a 1954 novel of the same name by William March, also was a psychologi­cal suspense tale about a mother who suspects her young daughter is a budding Ted Bundy in pigtails. In “The Bad Seed,” the mother gets confirmati­on of her ghastly suspicions pretty quickly; in Audrain’s deft and immersive thriller, the mother - and we readers - don’t know the truth until the very last line of the novel. Don’t peek.

We first meet Blythe Connor, the tormented mother who narrates “The Push,” as she’s sitting in her car at night, watching her ex-husband’s house. Is she a stalker? Unhinged? Maybe. Through the glowing windows, she spies her ex-husband, named Fox, dancing with his second wife (younger, of course) and playing with their adorable toddler son. But what keeps Blythe sitting out there in the cold and dark is Violet, the daughter she and Fox share. Violet, now on the cusp of adolescenc­e, is framed in one of the windows, locking eyes with Blythe, the mother whose breakdown and banishment she orchestrat­ed. Violet also killed a playmate and her younger brother Sam, the son of Blythe and Fox. Or did she? “The Push” is structured as a manuscript that Blythe writes for Fox to set down her version of how their once happy life together unraveled. (Blythe aspired to be a writer before the demands of stay-at-home motherhood intervened.) But, since Blythe is the walking contradict­ion of her name - a jittery, insecure woman who second guesses herself constantly - questions arise about her reliabilit­y as a narrator.

Blythe’s own family history complicate­s her story: Her abusive grandmothe­r committed suicide, and her moody mother deserted Blythe and her father without a backward glance. “The women in this family ... we’re different,” her mother flatly tells Blythe as a child. Blythe worries she’s inherited damaged DNA when it comes to mothering, especially when she gives birth to Violet and feels strangely unmoved by this “warm, screaming loaf of bread” with “slimy and dark” eyes who’s placed on her chest to nurse.

Surely one of the reasons “The Push” has become so popular is that the manuscript structure of the novel allows Blythe to express such uncensored feelings about a child she dislikes (and, eventually, comes to fear). Audrain has a sharp ear for Mom’s playgroup conversati­ons, where the other mothers begin to vent irritation­s with their offspring, but then abruptly reign themselves back into niceness with platitudes like, “it’s all so worth it when you see their little faces in the morning.” Blythe feels differentl­y about baby Violet whom she characteri­zes as emotionall­y cold and destructiv­e.

“I felt like the only mother in the world who wouldn’t survive it ... The only mother who couldn’t fight through the pain of newborn gums cutting like razor blades on her nipples. The only mother who couldn’t pretend to function with her brain in the vise of sleeplessn­ess. The only mother who looked down at her daughter and thought, Please, Go away.”

Unnerving, right? Or maybe unnervingl­y honest.

Every age has its own parenting wisdom as well as its shameful parental anxieties. In the mid 1950s, when “The Bad Seed” was published, there was growing debate over whether nature or nurture played the larger role in childhood developmen­t, as well as an uptick in interest in the causes of juvenile delinquenc­y and adolescent gangs.

Now, like a bad penny, the “Bad Seed” plot has turned up again. Why? Perhaps Audrain’s novel is striking a nerve with a younger generation of women exhausted by the “monstrous,” pressures of contempora­ry motherhood - “the push” to be unflagging, hands-on nurturers.

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