Daily News (Los Angeles)

Prepare for winter’s worst

- Write to Heloise at P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; Fax 210-HELOISE; or email Heloise@Heloise.com.

DEAR HELOISE » With snow on the ground in so many states, people sometimes get stuck in a snow bank or skid off into a ditch and are stuck there for hours.

For example, my son was driving home to Michigan, and at the last moment, he decided to toss his sleeping bag in the back seat. While driving, he skid off the road into a snow bank and got stuck on a lonely road out in the country.

He couldn’t see a house or light anywhere, and it was growing dark as the temperatur­e started to drop significan­tly. He had a little less than half a tank of gas. He figured someone would be driving down the road, but no one came.

He got out his sleeping bag and got inside and stayed in his car. The next morning, a car pulled up, and with the driver’s help, they were able to get the car out of the snow bank. But if my son had not had a sleeping bag, he might have frozen to death. On any road trip, it’s always best to prepare for the worst kind of weather or a potential situation that might occur.

— Peggy H., Escanaba,


DEAR HELOISE » I work as a consultant and representa­tive for a major cosmetic company. We get a lot of complaints from women who damaged their skin with smoking, sunbathing, sleeping in their makeup and more. Then, they expect that a cream in a jar will repair the damage they’ve done to themselves. Believe me, it won’t happen. To remove wrinkles and sagging, you have to use surgery and laser resurfacin­g. It’s better and far less expensive (as well as less painful) to avoid the damage in the first place. Here are some hints to save your skin:

• Skip the tan. The sun will only damage your face.

• If you drink alcohol, have one drink only. Alcohol dries out your skin.

• Give up smoking. It depletes the vitamin B in your body, ruins your skin and makes you smell bad.

• Never sleep in your makeup. Use soap and water and wash your face. Afterward, use a moisturize­r or a night cream before bed. And don’t forget to use creams on your neck, too.

• Eat a healthy diet with lots of veggies and fruit. Eliminate the junk food as much as possible.

• A daily vitamin won’t hurt you. First, ask your doctor what brand they suggest.

Love yourself enough to take better care of yourself.

— Heather D., Orange

DEAR HELOISE » My husband and I have decided to remain childless. We like kids, but parenthood just isn’t for us. What do we say to people who ask, “Why do you hate children?” or say, “You don’t know what you’re missing out on.”

— Maddie and Jacob, Laconia, New Hampshire Maddie and Jacob, tell them you like children, but you just don’t feel that you’d like parenting. Then, walk away. As for “You don’t know what you’re missing out on,” just say, “You’re right. You can’t miss what you never had.” Then, leave it at that. If someone persists, inform them that your personal life is not open for discussion, smile and, again, walk away.

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