Daily Press (Sunday)

Dem hopefuls pour into Iowa for last-minute push

Poll shows Sanders with a slight lead ahead of caucuses

- By Bill Barrow Associated Press

DES MOINES, Iowa — Freed momentaril­y from the Senate’s impeachmen­t trial, several presidenti­al candidates high-tailed it to Iowa on Saturday for a last-minute blitz of campaignin­g before the state’s caucuses kick off the battle for the Democratic nomination.

Sens. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Elizabeth Warren of Massachuse­tts held town halls, rallies and concerts Saturday across Iowa to keep their supporters motivated heading into the final stretch of the caucus campaign.

They joined former Vice President Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who don’t have Senate obligation­s and have already spent much of the past week in Iowa.

The burst of campaignin­g comes as the contest for the Democratic nomination enters a crucial phase.

A New York Times/Siena College poll released Saturday showed Sanders with a slight edge over the other leading candidates, but the race remains competitiv­e.

Several polls show Biden, Buttigieg and Warren are still among the front-runners.

“There’s still plenty of time for movement,” said Kurt Meyer, chairman of the Tri-County Democrats in northern Iowa. “Every part of the ground game counts.”

Stuck in Washington for much of the past week, the senators in the race have flooded Iowa and other early voting states with topshelf surrogates — rock star lawmakers, former Cabinet members, celebritie­s and spouses. The stand-ins aren’t a guaranteed way to sustain excitement or win votes, but the campaigns see it as the best way to maximize their reach in a nominating fight that could turn on the narrowest of margins in Iowa and other early states.

Biden isn’t bound to the Senate like some of his rivals, but he must navigate the trial nonetheles­s.

House D e mo c ra t s ’ charges that President Donald Trump abused his power and obstructed Congress are rooted in the president pressuring Ukrainian officials to investigat­e discredite­d theories about Biden’s foreign policy duties in Ukraine as vice president and his son Hunter’s personal business dealings there.

Trump’s defense team began its defense of the president Saturday, and some Republican­s are determined to frame the matter more around Biden than around the president.

After a brief trip to New Hampshire, the second state to vote in the Dems’ nominating process, Biden planned to return to Iowa Saturday night and intended to remain in the state until the caucuses Feb. 3.

He began the day announcing an endorsemen­t from U.S. Rep. Cindy Axne, who joined her fellow firstterm congresswo­man from Iowa, Abby Finkenauer, in backing Biden.

Ahead of his arrival in Iowa, Sanders sent progressiv­e star and New York Rep. Alexandria OcasioCort­ez to the state. She addressed dozens of Sanders volunteers at one of his field offices inside a strip mall, before heading out to canvass in Cedar Rapids. She promised to wear her green “Green New Deal” baseball cap to join them on a clear but cold Saturday, amid snow drifts that piled along plowed roads, and melting ice.

“We are here to make a revolution that lasts,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

She was scheduled to later join Sanders and filmmaker Michael Moore for a rally Saturday night in Ames.

Sanders’ wife, Jane, and actor Danny Glover were campaignin­g on his behalf in Nevada, which hosts the third nominating contest. Jane Sanders predicted a strong showing in the early voting states.

“I think we’ll win Iowa,” she told about 40 staff and volunteers. “I think we’ll win New Hampshire. And then I think it’s up to you whether we win Nevada. But it looks great.”

Sanders’ apparent momentum in Iowa is enough for the Buttigieg campaign to respond. The campaign sent prospectiv­e donors a fundraisin­g solicitati­on warning of the Vermont senator’s strength.

“Bernie Sanders is raising tons of money, he’s surging in the polls, and he has dark money groups attacking his competitor­s,” the email said. “If things stay steady until the Iowa Caucuses in just nine days, Bernie Sanders could be the nominee of our party.”

Warren has Julian Castro, the former Obama housing secretary and onetime presidenti­al candidate, in Nevada. U.S. Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., another star of the House freshman class like Ocasio-Cortez, is in South Carolina.

The Senate adjourned about noon EST Saturday, giving the presidenti­al candidates time to return to Iowa for late-afternoon and night events.

Sen. Michael Bennet, DColo., was going to New Hampshire.

 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP ?? Presidenti­al hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren departs the Capitol after the impeachmen­t trial wrapped for Saturday. Some polls show Warren still among the front-runners in Iowa.
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP Presidenti­al hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren departs the Capitol after the impeachmen­t trial wrapped for Saturday. Some polls show Warren still among the front-runners in Iowa.

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