Daily Press (Sunday)

Rhubarb, squash are a challenge in this area

- ken spencer

Q. I grow a lot of plants ornamental, tropical and vegetable starting most of them from seed. However, I have had no luck growing rhubarb from roots, plants, and I have even tried starting them from seed.

I have tried planting them in garden soil, potting soil, potting soil mixed with compost and pure compost. Usually they come up and last six to eight weeks before dying.

Is there any answer that might help me?

— F. Stewart, Hampton

A. It seems you have tried about everything to be successful with this.

But, as you probably already know, the issue is temperatur­e here. It is way too warm (and becoming more so) and it does not get consistent­ly cold enough in winter for the perennial to get its proper winter chill requiremen­t.

Unfortunat­ely, I’ve yet to see any tricks or new varieties out there that can get you around this issue.

Q. My questions concern my inability to grow squash. We love winter squash, such as butternut, acorn, etc., and also zucchini and crookneck.

Every year, I plant some, and every year, it all succumbs to not one of these but ALL: cut worms, squash vine borers, squash bugs, and a weird problem where fruit forms, but withers and falls off before it gets very big. Is that last one from not being pollinated? But nothing would happen if that were the case, no?

And why does it seem like there are so many male flowers and few female? I have not wanted to use insecticid­es for the worms, borers, and bugs, and now I am just ready to give up.

Can you give me some advice?

— R. Porfert, Norfolk

A. I also love squashes, particular­ly the summer ones. Unfortunat­ely, I’ve suffered some of the same issues as you. The past few summers they have been plagued with poor set and powdery mildew. This summer, after powdery mildew took my plants early in the season, I started a second crop. They were coming along quite well until a summer storm beat the leaves off of them. Reluctantl­y, I have concluded that it is time to cut my losses and stop wasting valuable space in my small garden trying to raise squash. They take up a lot of space and the yield/area ratio is low. They are plentiful in area markets and inexpensiv­e. Bottom line — I’m done with squash.

My column on May 5, 2019 addressed the problems of squash borers and the one on April 1, 2017 talked about poor fruit set and developmen­t. But to answer your specific question about pollinatio­n and fruit set: Squash need bees. But, if bees are working around your plants, and still no fruit set, it may be due to environmen­tal conditions. Pollinatio­n and subsequent fertilizat­ion are delicate processes. Excessive rainfall can disrupt pollinatio­n.

Then there there is temperatur­e. Mean temperatur­e, as well as night temperatur­e affect sex expression in cucurbits. While male flowers usually form first, cool temps are detrimenta­l to their formation, while favorable for female formation. Inadequate number of male flowers may be a factor in poor pollinatio­n. Timing is very important, having males and females together at the same time.

Need I say more?

And one more thing

Bam! It seems that winter has finally arrived.

So, just a reminder, if you have been lulled into a false sense of season, remember to go into winter-mode with respect to plant care.

How long this is with us remains to be seen, but winter weather seems to be tracking February/March these past few years, with an abbreviate­d spring.

I hope I am wrong with this observatio­n.

Send questions to wkspen@gmail.com or to Home + Living c/o The Virginian-Pilot, 150 W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, VA 23510.

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