Daily Press (Sunday)

In-law learns expensive lesson by giving still unpaid financial loan

- By Amy Dickinson

Dear Amy:

I have lent an in-law a significan­t amount of money. While it is not a lot to some people, it is to us.

We have given this person well over a year to pay us back. It was decided that if the loan was not paid back within a year, there would be interest charged.

If the loan date extended later (like a year beyond that), the interest would be increased.

I decided about three months ago to email them. I got no response. Since then, I have emailed two more times. I finally received a response.

This person is an independen­t businesspe­rson who is always chasing the first million.

They said that basically the sky is falling. You know — “my car died,” “I had to relocate some of my inventory” — one hard luck story after another. While I am sympatheti­c to their situation, it is not my problem.

My wife is stressing out about this, as she is a very caring woman, much more than I. But I have explained to her that we made the loan together as a family.

I am not sure how to respond to their email, other than to say, “I’m sorry about your current situation, but when can you pay us back?”

I have already explained in detail to the in-law that we moved, and we also had car troubles and issues with our new house and that we needed the money. What should we do?

— Owed

Dear Owed:

Unfortunat­ely, I think you should prepare yourself for the fact that you are unlikely to be repaid. You seem to have discussed financing terms with your in-law, but the terms are vague, and you don’t mention having any signed agreement.

Also, asking, “When can you pay us back?” invites the answer, “Never.” You should convey, “We expect you to begin repaying this loan on [specify a date]. Your monthly payment should be [specify an amount]. If you don’t make payments, we have no other choice but to contact a lawyer.”

Please — this is an expensive lesson, but in the future — never lend money that you cannot afford to lose.

Dear Amy:

I was friends with a group of around a dozen women that I met during college 20 years ago. We all stayed friends over the years after graduating, taking trips together, gathering for baby showers and enjoying an annual holiday gathering. I traveled out of town to attend many of their weddings.

Presently, many of these women are married with families. While the planned gatherings lessened over the years (family commitment­s started to take precedence), the group continued to vacation each summer.

A few years ago, I realized I had been left off the invite list. I know this because pictures are posted on social media.

Another friend has also been ostracized. We aren’t sure what happened or what prompted this exclusion. Seeing everyone smiling together on vacation feels like salt in the wound.

I long for the days when I was included. Yet I also think, “Why be friends with a crowd that is no longer welcoming?”

Should I say something to one of the ladies?

— Salty Situation

Dear Salty:

Because you are already being excluded, you don’t have much to lose by inquiring about what factors might have led up to it.

I believe the chances of you receiving a straight answer are fairly small, but judicious honesty would open up a conversati­on — and give you the opportunit­y you deserve to express yourself. You should email or call the person in this group you are closest to. Say, “I realize this is awkward, but I’m hoping you can explain why I’m no longer included in the group reunion. I really miss this gathering, and if there is a problem, I’d like the opportunit­y to try to clear it up.”

Dear Amy:

I’d like to add my voice to other readers who were charmed by your recent column, entirely devoted to testimonia­ls from adults about their stuffed animals! Given all the uncertaint­y we are all currently experienci­ng, this column brought tears to my eyes!

— Trying to Stay Calm

Dear Trying:

Me, too. But remember — those of us who no longer have our stuffed animals still have each other.

Copyright 2020 by Amy Dickinson

Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency


Send questions via e-mail to askamy@amydickins­on.com or by mail to Ask Amy, P.O Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068.

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