Daily Press (Sunday)

Refresher courses


Let’s recall Superman’s catchphras­e: “Truth, justice and the American way.”

As a person who grew up in the ’40s and ’50s, these were generally accepted ideals for most people, not just fans of the superhero. My parents’ and grandparen­ts’ generation­s experience­d the Great Depression and World War II. They experience­d great challenges, and it seemed that “truth, justice and the American way” survived.

Now, more than 70 years later, it astonishes me that we, as a country, can’t find common meaning to what should be basic ideals of the United States. Truth is truth only if it supports our beliefs? Justice is “equal” treatment under the law for only some people? And the American way, what does that even mean?

Today, do people know (or care) what democracy is? Perhaps Americans need refresher courses in American history and government. Topics might include the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce, the U.S. Constituti­on, the rule of law, separation of powers/separate but equal, our wars (especially Revolution­ary, Civil, World War I and World War II.)

Perhaps vocabulary enhancemen­ts might also help clarify what people mean when they use the following: democracy, dictatorsh­ip, equality, fascism, honorable, justice, oath, patriotism, responsibi­lities, rights and socialism. It might help some people to know what they are talking about instead of parroting the politician­s and the talking heads.

Thomas LeVan, Newport News

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