Daily Press (Sunday)

Zoom and text less, call more, new science suggests

- By Jessica Stillman

With everyone working remotely this year, we’ve all been doing a lot more texting. Whether it’s constant Slack messages to coordinate with colleagues or lonely texts to distant friends, the tap tap tap of texting fingers has become the background sound of the pandemic.

But while asynchrono­us messaging is efficient and can spare us the potential awkwardnes­s of a voice call, it’s also making us feel more disconnect­ed, according to new research. And Zoom isn’t the cure either. New studies suggest we should all pick up the phone a whole lot more.

You’re overestima­ting the awkwardnes­s of phone calls.

There’s an old friend you haven’t connected with for a while. Should you call or text? To find out how people think through this common dilemma, Amit Kumar of the University of Texas at Austin and Nicholas Epley of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business asked volunteers to talk through their decision-making.

You won’t be surprised to hear that the volunteers thought a voice call would make them feel more connected to their friend but would also be more awkward. When the researcher­s asked which option the volunteers would go with, most chose to text.

The researcher­s then took the decision out of participan­ts’ hands, randomly assigning some to text and some to call. How did participan­ts’ expectatio­ns of their interactio­ns line up with their real-life experience­s?

“As these people expected, they did feel more connected to their old friend after talking than after typing. Contrary to expectatio­ns, however, there was no difference in how awkward they felt after talking rather than typing,” the researcher­s report.

“Misplaced fears of an awkward interactio­n, it appears, can lead to a mistaken preference for typing rather than talking.”

How about Zoom?

Many of us would look at this conclusion and say, “Ugh, not more Zoom.” That’s because these days, we generally associate hearing someone’s voice with using a video-conferenci­ng platform. But according to Kumar and Epley, that’s a mistake, too. Further experiment­s showed you need not always default to video.

The researcher­s assigned people to discuss life dreams or other meaningful questions over text, video or phone. They found that while typing left people feeling more emotionall­y distant, phone and video had the same effect. You don’t need video to feel connected, just your voices.

The bottom line

The researcher­s summarized the takeaway from their study in four words: text less, talk more. But other research adds to that simple message: Consider choosing the phone over Zoom more often, too.

This may come as a shock to younger profession­als who sometimes forget that phones can make voice calls, but it’s a point other communicat­ion experts agree with. Psychologi­st Therese Huston said recently that tough feedback should be given over the phone, not Zoom (or, I hope obviously, text).

“Recent research reveals we’re less confused about another person’s emotional reactions if we just hear their voice,” Huston said.

The bottom line for all this research: Don’t forget the old-fashioned phone. Chances are excellent you’re underestim­ating its advantages and overestima­ting its drawbacks.


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