Daily Press (Sunday)




Stay focused on what's important to you, and do your best to dodge criticism from anyone trying to control you.


(March 2 1 -April 1 9 ): Follow through with your plans. Put your energy where it counts, do your research and work alongside someone you love, and good things will happen.


(April 2 0 -May 2 0 ): Look over important papers, update documents and get personal matters in order.


(May 2 1 -June 2 0 ): Keep moving forward. Discuss current matters with a partner or the person your decisions will affect.


June 2 1 -July 2 2 ): Someone will pull you in an unusual direction. Be careful about what you share with others.

LEO ( July 2 3 -Aug. 2 2 ): Speed up any process that appears to be holding you back. Discuss matters openly, and make decisions that will help you advance.


Aug. 2 3 -Sept. 2 2 ): Think twice before you upset someone you live with or are close to. A problem with a partner, friend or relative can lead to a situation that is difficult to reverse.


Sept. 2 3 -Oct. 2 2 ): If someone close to you is in a bad mood, you are better off dodging a bullet and doing something you enjoy.

SCORPIO (Oct. 2 3 -Nov. 2 1 ): Living in the past will not help you move forward.


(Nov. 2 2 -Dec. 2 1 ): Keep moving forward. Refuse to let anyone take over or make decisions for you.


Dec. 2 2 -Jan. 1 9 ): Spend more time cleaning up unfinished business or making physical changes that will add to your comfort at home.


(Jan. 2 0 -Feb. 1 8 ): Work hard and play hard, and you'll accomplish something worthwhile.


(Feb. 1 9 -March 2 0 ): Take it easy. Don't make promises you can't keep. Avoid arguments, challenges and people trying to persuade you to do things you shouldn't.

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