Daily Press


State of emergency, temporary gun ban issued ahead of rally to be held at Capitol

- Marie Albiges, 757-247-4962, malbiges@dailypress.com By Marie Albiges Staff writer

Gov. Ralph Northam says “credible, serious threats” of violence led him to temporaril­y ban weapons on Capitol grounds and declare a state of emergency in Richmond.

RICHMOND — Thousands of people upset about proposed gun control legislatio­n are expected at the state Capitol on Monday, and Virginia’s governor said he’s received intelligen­ce of “credible, serious threats” of violence that has led him to temporaril­y ban weapons on Capitol grounds and declare a state of emergency in Richmond.

A gun rights group and some Republican­s questioned whether the governor has the legal authority to impose such a ban.

At a news conference Wednesday, Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam said intelligen­ce officials believe out-of-state militia and hate groups will come on Monday, when the gun rights group Virginia Citizens Defense League holds its annual lobby day.

“They are not coming to peacefully protest. They are coming to intimidate and to cause harm,” Northam said of the out-of-state groups.

All weapons will be banned from Capitol grounds from 5 p.m. Friday to 5 p.m. Tuesday. There will be one entrance to the grounds on Monday, at 9th and Bank streets, where people will have to pass through metal detectors. Roads around the Capitol will be closed.

The banned weapons list is extensive and includes guns, bats, torches, knives, shields, helmets and pepper spray.

House Republican­s, who have largely been opposed to the gun legislatio­n, said in a statement they recognized the concerns about potential violence at the rally and hoped people wouldn’t be discourage­d from coming on Monday.

“While we are grateful for the precaution­s taken by law enforcemen­t, the governor’s actions will unfortunat­ely impede the ability of people to exercise not only their Second Amendment rights, but their First Amendment rights as well,” said Minority Leader Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah.

Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and a state holiday, and Northam said all non-essential government employees don’t have to come to work. Lawmakers will still convene for session.

Philip Van Cleave, who heads the Citizens Defense League, said he’s expecting 50,000 to 120,000 people, including out-of-state groups not associated with his organizati­on.

He told The Virginian-Pilot he didn’t think Northam could legally ban weapons during an emergency under state law.

“We’re talking to lawyers, getting into the details,” Van Cleave said, adding his members could still bring guns to Richmond as long as they didn’t try to go inside Capitol grounds.

Senate Republican­s seem to agree with Van Cleave, citing a 2012 law that says the governor can’t prohibit people from having guns, except to ensure public safety in an emergency shelter or

“for the purpose of sheltering persons.”

But Northam’s executive order says that by declaring a state of emergency, he’s providing shelter to state employees and visitors, therefore the ban is legitimate.

“I have the authority as your governor to do this,” Northam said at the press conference. “The intent of doing this is to keep Capitol Square and Virginia safe.”

A state of emergency activates Virginia’s emergency operations center and frees up unrestrict­ed funds to cover things like extra security measures.

Northam said intelligen­ce officials had heard threats of “storming the Capitol” and people weaponizin­g drones. He said he’s heard reports of video surveillan­ce around entrances and exits.

In a speech with top law enforcemen­t officials, Northam said the threats were comparable to those from the 2017 Unite the Right Rally in Charlottes­ville, where violence erupted from hate groups and a woman was killed after a man drove a car through a crowd of counterpro­testers.

“We will not allow that mayhem and violence to happen here,” Northam said.

Van Cleave blamed Northam for the potential danger, saying his gun proposals escalated what otherwise has always been a peaceful lobby day.

“All these people coming, this whole flare up is because of him,” he said. “He’s the one that declared war on gun owners.”

Calls to pass legislatio­n aimed at reducing gun violence in Virginia escalated after a gunman killed 12 people at a Virginia Beach municipal center in May. Shortly after, Northam called a special session in which Republican­s,

who were then in the majority, took no action on any gun legislatio­n.

Democrats used the GOP’s inaction in their election campaigns last fall, promising to pass “common-sense” gun legislatio­n including universal background checks and bans on assault-style weapons if they gained the seats they needed to take over the General Assembly.

At the start of session last week, Democrats used their newfound majority to quickly ban guns in the Capitol building and lawmakers’ offices — previously, concealed carry permit holders could bring their firearms — amid protests from the GOP.

Nearly 130 localities, including Portsmouth on Tuesday, have pledged their allegiance to the Second Amendment and passed resolution­s declaring themselves sanctuarie­s that won’t follow or enforce any unconstitu­tional gun laws.

But the measures Northam is proposing, such as extreme risk protection orders and a requiremen­t to report lost or stolen firearms, have been held up by courts in other states where the laws are on the books.

In an email to members Monday, Van Cleave warned of possible “bad actors” coming to the rally.

“We cannot stress enough that this is a peaceful day to address our legislatur­e,” he said. “Yes, we hold a rally, but the point of the day is communicat­ion with our representa­tives.”

 ?? BOB BROWN/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Gov. Ralph Northam said intelligen­ce officials had heard threats of “storming the Capitol” and people weaponizin­g drones. He said he’s heard reports of video surveillan­ce around entrances and exits.
BOB BROWN/ASSOCIATED PRESS Gov. Ralph Northam said intelligen­ce officials had heard threats of “storming the Capitol” and people weaponizin­g drones. He said he’s heard reports of video surveillan­ce around entrances and exits.

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