Daily Press

Politician broke barriers as 1st Black mayor of NYC

- By Deepti Hajela

NEW YORK — David Dinkins, who broke barriers as New York City’s first African American mayor but was doomed to a single term by a soaring murder rate, stubborn unemployme­nt and his mishandlin­g of a riot in Brooklyn, died Monday. He was 93.

Dinkins’ death was confirmed by his assistant at Columbia University, where he taught after leaving office, and by Mayor Bill de Blasio, his onetime staffer. The former mayor’s death came weeks after the death of his wife, Joyce, who died in October at 89.

Dinkins, a calm and courtly figure with a penchant for tennis and formal wear, was a dramatic shift from both his predecesso­r, Ed Koch, and his successor, Rudy Giuliani — two combative and often abrasive politician­s in a city with a world-class reputation for impatience and rudeness.

In his inaugural address, he spoke lovingly of New York as a “gorgeous mosaic of race and religious faith, of national origin and sexual orientatio­n, of individual­s whose families arrived yesterday and generation­s ago, coming through Ellis Island or Kennedy Airport or on buses bound for the Port Authority.”

But the city he inherited had an ugly side too.

AIDS, guns and crack cocaine killed thousands of people each year. Unemployme­nt soared. Homelessne­ss was rampant. The city faced a $1.5 billion budget deficit.

Dinkins’ low-key, considered approach quickly came to be perceived as a flaw.

“Dave, Do Something!” screamed one New York Post headline in 1990, Dinkins’ first year in office.

Dinkins did a lot at City


He raised taxes to hire thousands of police officers. He spent billions of dollars revitalizi­ng neglected housing. His administra­tion got the Walt Disney Corp. to invest in the cleanup of then-seedy Times Square.

The Rev. Al Sharpton noted that Dinkins took office during a time of racial discord following the 1989 shooting death of Yusuf Hawkins, a Black teenager who was attacked by a gang of youths in a predominan­tly white Brooklyn neighborho­od.

“In that climate he preached a gorgeous mosaic and proved that we could achieve the highest levels of municipal power in the nation’s largest city, and he did it when the city was torn apart,” Sharpton said. “He did it by having a balance of understand­ing the community’s needs and the needs of the city.”

Dinkins didn’t get fast enough results from his efforts, though, to earn a second term.

Political historians often trace the defeat to Dinkins’ handling of the Crown Heights riot in Brooklyn in 1991.

The violence began after a car in the motorcade of an Orthodox Jewish religious leader struck and killed 7-year-old Gavin Cato, who was Black.

During the three days of anti-Jewish rioting by young Black men that followed, a rabbinical student was fatally stabbed. Nearly 190 people were hurt.

Giuliani, now President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, tweeted his condolence­s to Dinkins’ family.

Born in Trenton, New Jersey, on July 10, 1927, Dinkins moved with his mother to Harlem when his parents divorced, but returned to his hometown to attend high school. There, he learned an early lesson in discrimina­tion: Black people were not allowed to use the school swimming pool.

While attending Howard University, the historical­ly Black university in Washington, D.C., Dinkins said he gained admission to segregated movie theaters by wearing a turban and faking a foreign accent.

Back in New York with a degree in mathematic­s, Dinkins married his college sweetheart, Joyce Burrows, in 1953. His father-in-law, a power in local Democratic politics, channeled Dinkins into a Harlem political club. Dinkins paid his dues as a Democratic functionar­y while earning a law degree from Brooklyn Law School, and then went into private practice.

He was elected to the state Assembly in 1965, became the first Black president of the city’s Board of Elections in 1972 and went on to serve as Manhattan borough president.

Dinkins’ election as mayor in 1989 came after two cases under Koch exacerbate­d racial tensions in the city: the rape of a white jogger in Central Park — for which five Black teenagers were convicted and later exonerated — and Hawkins’ killing.

 ?? ANDREW H. WALKER/GETTY 2011 ?? David Dinkins took a low-key approach in his lone term as mayor of New York City.
ANDREW H. WALKER/GETTY 2011 David Dinkins took a low-key approach in his lone term as mayor of New York City.

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