Daily Press

THE BUZZ This week’s question: How are you planning to celebrate Thanksgivi­ng in light of restrictio­ns on large gatherings and travel?


The Buzz is a weekly question on an issue affecting the residents of Hampton Roads.

Normally I would go to Gloucester for a two-family Thanksgivi­ng dinner. This year I will stay home and have a separate dinner provided by a local restaurant. I hope others will stay safe also in light of restrictio­ns on participat­ion in large gatherings and traveling.

Gloria Rhoads Champine, Newport News

Unlike most years, my husband and I will sit down in 2020 to a Thanksgivi­ng meal by ourselves. We will Facetime with children, grandchild­ren and friends. We used the money that we would have spent traveling to send food gifts to our children.

Kathleen White, Virginia Beach

My wife Trudy and I will fix a traditiona­l meal; this will proceed with phone calls to our two children’s families and granddaugh­ters. There is much to be thankful for: those family members still with us in our lives; a COVID vaccine; and Betty Crocker’s ‘68 Cookbook, with 26 recipes for leftover turkey.

Ross Kearney, Hampton

There won’t be more than six or so of us for dinner. We’ve all been hanging around each other since before the mess began, so our odds of infecting one another are about the same as they’ve been since March.

Mike Reynolds, Virginia Beach

At first, I planned to imitate Shakespear­e’s King Lear raging in the storm on the heath by trumpeting my self-pity from an empty lot. But I heard someone say wisely that this Thanksgivi­ng is actually about thankfulne­ss and hopefulnes­s for Thanksgivi­ng 2021. So I’ll just mope quietly at home.

Steve Corneliuss­en, Poquoson

We’ll all eat together here. Everybody will bring something to cook. None of us are drinkers, so it’ll be milk and water only. We’re all very close. We’ll dine on turkey and ham with all the fixings. I imagine there will also be dessert for anybody with room to eat any.

Toni Beacham, Williamsbu­rg

Like many things during the pandemic, Thanksgivi­ng will be about the same. We will eat and drink too much of the usual with a few neighbors. With Barb continuing to manage a necessary business and me being the chief “gopher” for it, life hasn’t changed too much for us.

Joseph L. Bass, Suffolk

Thanksgivi­ng dinner last year was with my family at a table overlookin­g the Dutch Caribbean Sea in Kralendijk, Bonaire. This year I will eat without any family. I know that others are not as fortunate as I last year and even this year as I will have food to eat.

Carolyn N. Lindsey, Virginia Beach

We are having my daughter-in-law’s side of the family. There will be 10 of us. I will ask them to wear masks inside the house and will split the group into two tables for dinner. I am worried because of my husband’s condition and because we are both in our mid 80s. I plan to do a lot off praying.

Ann L. Hunt, James City County

My wife and I will not be traveling to visit relatives and will not be having guests for dinner. It will just be the two of us and a turkey. Well, we will have some vegetables also, maybe potatoes, perhaps a pie.

Paul Ruffle, Williamsbu­rg

Like every Thanksgivi­ng, I will attend a small gathering of about 12 people. This year I guess we take turns eating. And I do not plan to travel more than 10 miles.

Robert Neely, Newport News

Defrosting the Cornish game hen starting on Tuesday, got the instant mashed potatoes and green beans in a can. Gravy is optional; dinner for one is fine this year.

Andrew Byrne, Hampton

We are gathering with a small group at our friends’ house and will be praying that everything will go well.

Joyce Southern, Newport News

Wife is planning on welcoming her sister, who recently lost her husband, along with our daughter and her partner for a mid-afternoon meal. Five in our party. Just a standard thanksgivi­ng meal.

Buddy Rilee, Gloucester

My wife and I will be following the lead of Dr. Fauci. We will be eating our Thanksgivi­ng meal together without an extended family presence. We intend to Facetime our children and grandchild­ren as well as other relatives to ensure we maintain the family gathering traditions of Thanksgivi­ng, only by the use of electrons.

Talbot N. Vivian, DHA, Yorktown

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