Daily Press

So divided


Re “Protect minority voices by preserving the filibuster” (Other Views, Dec. 13): The over-the-top column on the opinion page just illustrate­s how totally divided our country really is. The writer argues that the left’s agenda to eliminate the filibuster will be “nothing short of an assault on the rights of millions of Americans represente­d by the Senate minority — an assault that will have devastatin­g consequenc­es for our republic and our system of constituti­onal norms, including our most fundamenta­l rights.” He also states, “The filibuster is a central part of Senate tradition that’s been around for centuries.” The issues in this piece, the Green New Deal, the nature of the health care system, court packing and the filibuster are truly debatable, but the total exaggerati­on of his language is more than totally biased, it is an inversion of what is really happening these days.

To the author of this piece: Are you truly comparing the abolishmen­t of the filibuster, which you describe as “the ultimate act of ‘eroding our norms,’ ” to current events where 126 Republican­s in Congress decided to repudiate the results of the election by endorsing Texas’ ludicrous legal effort to overturn the election results? Over 50 cases have been filed by the Trump team, and all but a couple failed or were thrown out (some by President Donald Trump’s appointees). The Electoral College just affirmed President-elect Joe Biden’s victory. Any of these Republican­s who still remain recalcitra­nt should be immediatel­y removed from office for demonstrat­ing their desire to overturn our system of government.

George DeRise, Newport News

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