Daily Press

The answer Reversing progress


Re “In Virginia Beach, city and environmen­talists turn to planting trees to slow flooding woes” (Dec. 6): With help from Lynnhaven River NOW and other groups, as noted in this article, Hampton Roads is taking swift action to preserve its green infrastruc­ture by planting trees that will slow flooding and help prevent stormwater from washing pollution into the Chesapeake Bay and its many tributarie­s.

“Trees are increasing­ly recognized for their importance in managing runoff,” according to the Environmen­tal Protection Agency’s website. “Their leaf canopies help reduce erosion caused by falling rain. They also provide surface area where rain water lands and evaporates.” Clearly, Mother Nature has already engineered a system to help in the battle against sea level rise and flooding.

Those same leaves and branches provide welcome shade on hot summer days, lowering the temperatur­e in tree-covered neighborho­ods by up to 16 degrees. My home in Newport News had approximat­ely nine mature oak trees in the yard. I rarely needed to turn on the air conditioni­ng.

Trees are home to an array of diverse wildlife, from cardinals and bluebirds to squirrels and tree frogs. All of which I have had the immense pleasure to observe and use as a “classroom” for my daughter when she was young.

In the upcoming Virginia General Assembly session our legislator­s must lead by example by supporting legislatio­n that gives localities the authority to increase their tree cover so Hampton Roads can use trees to help combat flooding, pollution and climate change.

Maggie Vaughan, Hampton

Re “Michele Bachmann to lead Regent University’s school of government, wants to expand ‘biblical worldview’ ” (Dec.

22): Is it really the intention of Regent University to be led back to the 1950s? The following are her major beliefs: banning abortion in all cases including rape and incest, blocking same-sex marriage (already legal and approved by a majority of U.S. citizens), and teaching creationis­m in public schools. Creationis­m is a cute story, as is Noah’s Ark, but they are not based on plausible reality. These outdated, intolerant views are very troubling and narrow-minded.

Billy Torbush, Virginia Beach

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