Daily Press

Vote Luria


Rep. Elaine Luria is smart, fair-minded and someone you would like as a next-door neighbor. She has been criticized because she votes with her Democratic leadership more than 90% of the time, but this is a red herring because virtually all representa­tives vote with their party’s leadership more than 90% of the time. Only 13 out of 211 House Republican­s voted last year for the infrastruc­ture bill and were vilified within their own party, apparently because repairing the nation’s dilapidate­d bridges is not desirable if President Joe Biden gets the credit.

Therefore, in November’s congressio­nal election a prime considerat­ion as to who should cast the 2nd District’s vote in the House of Representa­tives is whether he or she aligns with Democratic or Republican party leadership.

Today’s Republican Party believes with zero evidence that the last presidenti­al election was stolen; is working to steal the next one; rationaliz­es storming the Capitol Building as “legitimate political discourse”; encourages the unmoored, conspiracy-mongering QAnon; and in some circles still embraces the murderous and kleptocrat­ic Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The party has also ginned up false wedge issues such as voter fraud, critical race theory in K-12 classrooms, and gay and lesbian adults “grooming” children, while refusing to acknowledg­e real concerns like the devastatio­n we face from a warming planet.

Electing a Republican to Virginia’s 2nd District may give control of Congress to a party that is anti-democratic, wastes our mental energy with imagined issues, and does not address real ones. This November, vote for Rep. Elaine Luria.

— David Meyerholz, Virginia Beach

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