Daily Press

Constructi­on noises too much for puppy

- By Amy Dickinson askamy@amydickins­on.com Twitter@askingamy Copyright 2022 by Amy Dickinson Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency

Dear Amy: I live in New York City in a co-op building. The apartment next door was sold eight months ago and has been unoccupied ever since.

I work from home doing some freelance writing, and I teach voice lessons via Zoom.

I have wanted a canine companion for a very long time. Three weeks ago, I brought home a puppy.

One week later, I was given notice that the apartment next door would undergo a gut renovation that would last for at least three months.

Last week, the renovation began, and it’s as loud and jarring as you might think. I can’t take work calls, and I can’t conduct voice lessons from home.

Worse, my puppy is very scared by the banging, and she’s anxious.

I’m in a very tight financial position, and I don’t have the capacity to rent a pet-friendly shared workspace in the area. I don’t know of any pet-friendly voice studios.

I also don’t have the financial means to send my puppy to day care. My vet said they could recommend some anti-anxiety medication­s for her.

Am I totally out of luck here, or am I allowed to ask for compensati­on to vacate my home during constructi­on hours, as well as money for meds/a thundershi­rt for my puppy?

— Broke Thirtysome­thing

Dear Broke: If you rent your apartment from the unit’s owner, you should contact your landlord regarding any rent decrease or compensati­on while work is being done next door. If you are a co-op owner, you should contact your building’s manager and the co-op board to inquire about any possible redress.

One obvious solution would be for you to move your virtual voice classes and other phone work to evenings and weekends, when the next-door apartment will be quiet.

You could try carrying your puppy in a dog sling while inside, and spend a lot of time outside during these warm months.

However, because of the trauma of these sudden noises on your puppy, I suggest that you try to find someone to foster this young dog in their own home until the demolition and renovation work next door is completed and your apartment is quieter.

Your vet — or the individual or entity where you got the puppy — might have ideas for individual­s to temporaril­y foster your dog.

Dogs can be extremely expensive. You should realistica­lly determine whether you can afford to take good care of this pup.

Dear Amy: My father, who is 83, keeps trying to get me to mend fences with my sister. My sister isn’t asking for a reconcilia­tion. She is never in touch with me.

This isn’t a recent rift, but something that has grown over the last 30 years. I keep my distance from her because she constantly puts me down.

I have pointed this out to my father. Frankly, I just want to be left alone.

I do want to keep in contact with my elderly parents, so I stay in touch with them, but what can I say to my father, other than to get flat-out angry?

— Keeping My Distance

Dear Distance: Every parent wants their children to get along. This desire simply goes along with parenting.

I hope you will be understand­ing and patient with your father.

When your father brings this up, you can respond with “mirroring.” This is simply reflecting back to him his own thoughts, so he knows you have heard and understood him.

You don’t need to elaborate, cast blame or justify your own actions: “Dad, I know you want us to be better friends, but it’s not happening, and it’s not your fault. Let’s talk about something else.”

Dear Amy: “Yikes” wondered how to change her lifelong pattern of

“love bombing” men, diving into relationsh­ips and then abruptly breaking them off when she came to her senses — years later.

Your advice to her was good, but upon reading her question, I immediatel­y came to the conclusion that she has a very specific personalit­y disorder. I’m wondering how (or why) you missed it!

— Perceptive

Dear Perceptive: I don’t diagnose people through these pages. Mainly — I’m not qualified!

I did recommend therapy, however. That’s where any diagnosing should happen.

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