Daily Press

Harriette offers New Year’s wishes

- Send questions to askharriet­te@harriettec­ole.com or c/o Andrew McMeel Syndicatio­n, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106

Dear Readers: Happy New Year! Welcome to 2023. In some ways, it feels like it was a blink ago that we entered 2022. I began last year with COVID-19 and had to put all of my plans on pause. I had been so excited about the projects I was about to embark upon and got stopped in my tracks.

That healing time became important for me. I had already been contemplat­ing how I wanted to approach the days ahead. Suddenly, I had more time to think. What came to mind the most were family, health, abundance, creativity and security. When I got healthy, I focused on those things. I definitely had a busy year, but also an intentiona­l one. I made time for the things that mattered most, to the best of my ability.

As we all walk into 2023, let’s do so with focus and intention. Ask yourself what you want for yourself and your world this year. Is there anything that you have done that isn’t worth carrying over into 2023?

Are there any behaviors, people or things that are no longer valuable to you now? Do you have any regrets about how you have handled relationsh­ips, finances or community that give you pause? If so, what will you do about that? So often we complain in our minds and to others about whatever is wrong with our lives. And we regularly blame someone or something else for that thing we don’t like. What if we take a different approach? Notice the thing that doesn’t work and decide how to fix it or let it go. Be proactive.

Taking time to reflect on what you value and what you want for your life right now is a way to ensure that what you want is what you will get. If you don’t take the time to think about it, establish goals and create a strategy to execute your plan, you will end up in a month, six months or a year without having accomplish­ed anything. Be intentiona­l instead.

Here’s what I recommend that can help you meet your goals: Carve out time every day, preferably around the same time of day, to sit quietly and listen to the voice inside. Call it meditation, quiet time or contemplat­ion. Be still and listen to yourself. What messages are you getting from within? Write down whatever comes up, and pay attention to it.

Create a plan for each day; put it on a calendar and execute the plan when you get up. This will keep you organized and accountabl­e for your actions. Celebrate small victories daily. Admit your mistakes. Focus on the positive. Pay attention to your physical and mental health. Be aware of what you put into your body and mind — what you consume and what you think. Do not allow yourself to wallow in self-pity or anger. Get enough rest, and choose to think pleasant thoughts. If you have a big goal or dream that you want to manifest, spend time each day working on it. Life is precious. Treat it like that, and you will have a great year!

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