Daily Press

Three points


We lived in nearby Virginia for some years, and still have an interest in the Old Dominion. Virginia is fortunate to have two senators who I believe are working for the good of the state and our country. As such, I have a suggestion. I believe that they could easily form a biparty group of Congress members who agree that something must be done to stop gun violence in our country. Their goal would be to get fellow Congress members to join them and agree to stop taking money from the National Rifle Associatio­n. If all, or many, of them would do so, effective legislatio­n could be passed to begin work toward such a goal. A well-publicized list should be available and all taking part would be held in a very positive light by their constituen­ts. As each one’s NRA lobbyist income would be reduced as a percentage of their total, no one would be disadvanta­ged by the reduction.

If the Japanese had attacked Hawaii and our homeland, and we’d have dug in to fight back, World War II would have lasted much longer. When we took the war to the Japanese at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it ended quickly. Ukraine is fighting a defensive war. To end it, instead of tanks, they should be given missiles (nonnuclear) that can be aimed at the Kremlin in Moscow and at a number of their most important power sites. The Russian people would demand an end to the war I believe. NATO should state that all of its members will join in retaliatio­n against any country that uses nuclear weapons.

— Dick Schroeder, Moyock, North Carolina

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