Daily Press


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Aries (March 21-April 19):

Knowing who to trust can be tricky. You might be faced with two different stories. When it comes to what really happened, reserve your judgment and avoid letting your emotions get ahead of your reasoning. Remember: The truth will eventually be revealed to everyone.

Taurus (April 20-May 20):

Your perspectiv­e might be skewed, landing you in hot water. Defensiven­ess and exaggerati­ons are both pitfalls you could fall into, especially if you aren’t grounded and don’t notice when other people work to manipulate you. The more control you have over yourself today, the better.

Gemini (May 21-June 20):

You could feel caught in the middle of two people who both have a strong influence on your life. You may not know who you want to side with, so make a point of staying neutral unless you feel morally called to one side. That should be the fastest way to douse the fire.

Cancer (June 21-July 22):

Your recent life could feel rather unfocused as you let the currents of time carry you where they will. Don’t get pulled astray. There needs to be a bit of paddling coming from you in order to reach the shore and enjoy some stability. Search for a way to ground yourself and start tracking your progress.

Giuseppe Verdi’s opera “Il Trovatore” premiered in Rome.

On Jan. 19, 1853,

Indira Gandhi was chosen to be prime minister of India by the National Congress party.

In 1966,

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22):

You may need to get your hands dirty at any moment. Distractin­g yourself by focusing on things you enjoy doing may feel good in the moment, but the more you look away, the more time an issue has to grow bigger. Don’t hesitate to tackle it before it gets any larger.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

Travel might be calling your name. You may feel that it’s too sudden to plan travel at this time, but getting out of your comfort zone in small ways could be enough to fulfill this need for change. The scenery around you can inspire you and affect both your mood and mindset.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):

You might be collaborat­ing with someone you’ve never worked alongside before. Do your best to make the most of this opportunit­y and stay humble because acting as if you know more than you do will likely land you in hot water. Take time to learn from others around you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

Someone else can take the reins today. It’s okay not to be okay, and if you need a helping hand, you should ask for it. Letting another person see your vulnerabil­ities can seem uncomforta­ble, but your inner self will thank you in the long run. Be strong and take time to find a trusted person to open up to.

Guy Hunt became Alabama’s first Republican governor since 1874 as he was sworn into office, succeeding George C. Wallace.

In 1987,

the American Cancer Society reported that cancer had passed heart disease as the top killer of Americans age 85 and younger.

In 2005, In 2009,

Russia and

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

Bending the truth is probably very tempting. Even so, being open about what’s on your mind is the healthier option in the long run. Although blunt words can cause hurt in the moment, ultimately, everyone involved will soon learn that they can trust you to be sincere.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

You’re creating your own avenue. You may have had a hobby you want to turn into a side hustle, even if there isn’t quite a niche for it yet. Try out different methods to attract attention, make valuable connection­s and engage with a community that understand­s you.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

Family members, found or biological, have wisdom to offer. They may provide their knowledge by telling you about past experience­s that they or other relatives went through. If you’re building a life on your own, learn from those who came before you to create what you want now.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20):

You may have stayed quiet about your dreams as of late, preferring to work on them in silence. Keep in mind that sharing the progress is a great way of boosting your confidence — even if some of the people you’re explaining your vision to don’t quite understand it, say it proudly anyway.

Ukraine signed a deal restoring natural gas shipments to Ukraine and paving the way for an end to the nearly two-week cutoff of most Russian gas to a freezing Europe.

In 2018, Olympic gold medalist Aly Raisman joined dozens of others in confrontin­g her former doctor, Larry Nassar, at his sentencing hearing for multiple sexual assaults.

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