Daily Press

Protect tenants


The housing symposium hosted by Virginia Organizing held March 10 at the New Macedonia Christian Church in Norfolk had a strong impact.

Speakers at the symposium including the Rev. Anthony Fludd, rector Grant Stokes and pastor Rob Edwards shared compelling stories of people they have personally encountere­d who are facing the affordable housing crisis in the state of Virginia. One story that stood out to me was of a person whose job didn’t provide him or her with health insurance. While working, the person was diagnosed with cancer and had to pay his or her rent or his or her cancer treatment. No one should have to pick between two necessitie­s. Their poignant narratives underscore­d the urgent need for action to address the housing crisis in our state.

As the symposium concluded, we issued a powerful call to action, urging attendees to join us in reaching out to Gov. Glenn Youngkin to prioritize affordable housing legislatio­n. Together, we made a collective call to Youngkin, emphasizin­g the importance of signing these bills into law to address the housing needs of our communitie­s. The bills, such as HB442, are essential steps toward ensuring equitable access to housing for all Virginians.

With Norfolk having one of the highest eviction rates in Virginia, I encourage all Virginians to continue supporting efforts to ensure that everyone has access to safe, affordable housing. Call 804-786-2211 and tell Youngkin his tenants need their rights protected.

— Makida Gosaye, Virginia Organizing Norfolk Chapter member, Norfolk

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