Daily Southtown (Sunday)

Some promising events regarding Iran

- Arthur Cyr Arthur I. Cyr the author of “After the Cold War — American Foreign Policy, Europe and Asia” (Macmillan and NYU Press). Contact acyr@ carthage.edu.

On Aug. 10, Iran released four Americans held in a notorious Tehran prison. They joined a fifth in less restrictiv­e house arrest, with the understand­ing all will leave the country in the near future.

In exchange, negotiatio­ns are underway to release $6 billion in Iran assets, frozen in South Korea, for use in humanitari­an purposes. The funds may be moved to a third country, where their release and use could still be directly, closely monitored.

Switzerlan­d’s diplomats in Iran have played a central role in these important talks. The government­s of Oman and Qatar are also being helpful.

Meanwhile, on Aug. 7 U.S. officials announced the arrival of 3,000 new

Navy and Marine Corps personnel to the Middle East, along with aircraft and ships. Over the past two years, Iran has seized or attacked 20 internatio­nally flagged commercial ships in the area.

Iran continues to be a focus of frustratio­n for United States foreign policy. The fundamenta­list Islamic regime in Tehran has long voiced hostility to Israel as well as the U.S., punctuated from time to time with public threats of apocalypti­c destructio­n.

Consequent­ly, the steady expansion of Iran’s uranium enrichment program causes understand­able concern. Possible developmen­t of nuclear weapons is an ongoing menace. The Trump administra­tion withdrew from an internatio­nal nuclear agreement to restrain this.

Immediatel­y after World War II, Soviet troops occupied northern Iran. The Truman administra­tion successful­ly pressured Moscow to withdraw. Later, British and CIA operatives overthrew the elected government.

Domestical­ly, Iran experience­s continuing public demonstrat­ions. Economic conditions are one cause. Last September, Mahsa Amini, a young woman, died in police custody, sparking mass public protests. Her “offense” was not properly wearing the headscarf decreed by authoritie­s.

In 1979, Islamic revolution­aries overthrew the pro-U. S. Iran regime. This abruptly ended Iran’s previous posture as a close American ally.

After ousting the autocratic Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, militants seized the American embassy, took hostages and held them for months. The lengthy crisis poisoned Tehran-Washington relations and helped Ronald Reagan decisively defeat incumbent President Jimmy Carter in 1980. During the Reagan administra­tion, the U.S. supported Saddam Hussein’s Iraq in a lengthy eight-year war with Iran.

The 2009 presidenti­al election sparked mass demonstrat­ions against alleged election fraud. Use of cellphones to report the demonstrat­ions revealed broad public discontent. Dictators can no longer completely suppress informatio­n, though Tehran tries.

The Shah’s modernizat­ion policies over the long term fostered a relatively well-educated population. There is a sizable middle class. The urban population has been expanding steadily.

Women have influentia­l roles in a wide range of profession­s. The relatively modern economy — and society — contrast with other nations where fundamenta­list Islam plays a major or dominant role.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser, actively analyzed Iran developmen­ts until his death in 2017. He regularly noted that the fundamenta­lists running the country face fundamenta­l problems.

Brzezinski believed Iran could move in the same direction as Turkey. That nation constituti­onally is a secular state, and remains a member of NATO, even though a fundamenta­list, sometimes challengin­g political party controls the government.

Nearly a decade before the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, former President Richard Nixon in his book “Beyond Peace” argued that invading provocativ­e Saddam Hussein’s Iraq would be a mammoth blunder. Invasion would destabiliz­e the region and expand influence of Iran, our actual regional diplomatic and strategic rival

Here as elsewhere, events confirm President Nixon’s insights, and should inform policy.

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