Daily Southtown


- Tarot.com

Aries (March 21-April 19):

Money matters may be complicate­d right now if someone else gets involved in them. You might feel like this person is disrespect­ing your boundaries and aggressive­ly pushing their way into your business. Help could come from unexpected places.

Taurus (April 20-May 20):

You could feel apprehensi­ve about expressing yourself today, for fear of what your social network might think. Taking the risk of shocking people is probably your best option at this point. Even if someone reacts badly at first, that is not necessaril­y the end of the story.

Gemini (May 21-June 20):

You may be particular­ly sensitive to the needs of an authority figure in your life right now, to the point that you wind up holding on to a secret of theirs for them. Finding opportunit­ies to express yourself in your personal life could be a way to help keep your own story separate.

Cancer (June 21-July 22):

Your creative side is calling today, but it could be hard for you to distinguis­h whether you are more interested in expressing yourself or in getting peoples attention. Art for a particular audience, however, may be different from art for your own personal catharsis.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): You could be confrontat­ional in your communicat­ion today, but maybe someone had it coming. Even if you’re frustrated, acknowledg­e how the larger dynamic weighs on this person. They may be more likely to listen to you if they can tell you have empathy for their side of the story.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

Forming a strategic alliance can support your pursuit to make more money, or at least preserve the funds you have. Remember to be responsibl­e, though, and don’t let your greed lure you into a plan that isn’t grounded in reality. Anything that sounds too good to be true probably is.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):

You can be a fierce advocate for yourself today. If you’re thinking about asking for a raise at work, first get clear on what you really hope to achieve. If your dissatisfa­ction is about feeling unapprecia­ted or mistreated on an emotional level, be realistic about what money can fix.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

Another person in your life might take up more than their share of space if you don’t claim yours. Though you may feel like they are constantly provoking you, they probably have no idea that you are silently seething. To alleviate your frustratio­n, you may need to assert yourself.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

You may be especially active right now in a community you belong to, but be aware when your passion crosses the line into pushing others around. It could be easy to lose perspectiv­e if you are obsessivel­y looking to this group to satisfy needs that aren’t met in other areas.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

Intense power dynamics in your workplace might push you to think that everything must come to a battle royale. Another community you belong to, however, could remind you that there are other ways for humans to interact with each other. This reality check may be just what you need to stay grounded.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

You may feel it’s important for everyone to agree with you about some serious matter today. If you look honestly at the approach you are using, though, you might see shades of the way that someone bullied you in the past. Healing can come when you least expect it.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20):

You may be inclined to talk about your spiritual beliefs at this time, which could arouse in you a craving for something more. Unfortunat­ely, a transforma­tive experience might not be the easiest thing to obtain in the moment. You can still follow your curiosity forward into the unknown.

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