Daily Southtown

Our two failing parties need to be shaken up

- By Daniel Lipinski Daniel Lipinski was U.S. representa­tive for Illinois’ 3rd Congressio­nal District from 2005 through January 2021.

For 16 years, I had the privilege of representi­ng the people of Illinois’ 3rd Congressio­nal District until I was narrowly defeated in the 2020 Democratic primary. I lost that race because I dared to not always follow in lockstep with my party in an era in which extreme partisansh­ip and polarizati­on rule. In a number of primary elections on Tuesday, both parties continued to reject candidates willing to ever deviate from the party line, including Illinois’ 15th District in which Rep. Rodney Davis lost the Republican primary. This trend is causing more extremity, more intransige­nce and more gridlock in Washington. Both parties are failing our country and hurting the American people.

Last year, some Republican Party officials asked me to run for Congress as a Republican, but I declined. A few months later, some of my supporters from previous campaigns asked me to run in the Democratic primary in the 6th Congressio­nal District because their analysis indicated I could win in a three-way race against the two incumbents vying for the nomination. When I responded that I was fed up with both parties and would only consider a run as an independen­t, they told me they would start a “Draft Dan Lipinski” campaign to get my name on the November ballot.

It is difficult for an unfunded grassroots effort to gather the 5,000 signatures needed to qualify as an independen­t for

Congress — more than 12 times the 400 needed by a Democrat or Republican — but I understand that goal is within reach.

As I weigh my decision on whether to run now, or in two years, or find other ways to contribute to the fight to set our country on a better path, I want to explain the importance of running as an independen­t. The partisan gerrymande­ring of districts, the outsize influence of interest groups on elections and the concentrat­ed power of congressio­nal party leaders have created a situation in which most members of Congress no longer represent their approximat­ely 800,000 constituen­ts.

Instead, they represent the small, often ideologica­lly extreme minority of voters who cast ballots in their party’s primary.

In Congress, they follow the instructio­ns of their party leader. In 2021, Democrats in both chambers set records for voting in unison, 98% in the House and 97% in the Senate, when a vote pitted a majority of one party against a majority of the other. House Republican­s tied their record high with a 93% average. Any member who displays independen­t thought is usually coerced into following the party line or they lose their next primary. The only representa­tives

who can get away with ever bucking the party are those on the extreme wings.

Just as members are displaying historical­ly high party unity, the parties have become increasing­ly extreme and unwilling to compromise. Both parties are putting short-term personal and partisan gain above the good of the American people. These parties do not represent most Americans, with working-class and middleclas­s families being especially harmed. As Paul Begala, a former adviser to President Bill Clinton, said recently: “The Democrats have gone from being the party of the factory floor to being the party of the faculty lounge.”

As I’ve repeatedly argued, the Democratic Party needs to get back to being the party that prioritize­s workers, not the woke. The debacle surroundin­g last year’s bipartisan infrastruc­ture bill is emblematic of how both parties are failing the American people. Despite the country’s clear needs, the bill’s overwhelmi­ng popularity and the strong support of trade union members, the legislatio­n was held hostage for months by progressiv­e House Democrats. When they finally relented and the bill came up for a vote, only 13 House Republican­s supported it.

Voters now appear ready to toss out Democrats because of the party’s failures, but the only choice they have is electing Republican­s who seem to have no plan other than attacking President Joe Biden and focusing on the next election. We saw the same situation play out four years ago in the last midterm election but with the parties reversed. America cannot afford to continue this vicious loop in which Democrats and Republican­s cycle in and out of power while accomplish­ing little and blaming each other for the country’s problems.

Today, more than three-quarters of Americans believe that our country is on the wrong track. We are facing sky-high inflation, the threat of an impending recession, fears about safety in our communitie­s, concerns about our schools and a nagging uncertaint­y about our republic’s stability. Our two parties got us here, and neither seems willing to change. We need to shake our parties out of their complacenc­y so that they put the country first and serve the American people.

America remains the greatest nation on earth, but to embrace the opportunit­ies that lie before us in a rapidly changing world, we need leadership with a positive vision that will break us out of this partisan doom loop.

 ?? ZBIGNIEW BZDAK/CHICAGO TRIBUNE ?? U.S. Rep. Daniel Lipinski in Chicago’s Clearing West neighborho­od on Dec. 31, 2020.
ZBIGNIEW BZDAK/CHICAGO TRIBUNE U.S. Rep. Daniel Lipinski in Chicago’s Clearing West neighborho­od on Dec. 31, 2020.

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