Daily Southtown

5 big political questions loom on the horizon in ’23

- By Jonathan Bernstein

Political prognostic­ators are facing a mountain of unknowns for the coming year, starting with whether President Joe Biden will seek a second term. There are other cliffhange­rs, including whether former President Donald Trump will be indicted and whether Rep. Kevin McCarthy will succeed in getting elected speaker of the House. Here are five more developmen­ts I’m watching that have the potential to shake up the political landscape.

Will the U.S. government default on debt?

The federal government is set to hit its borrowing limit sometime this year. A failure by Congress to raise the debt ceiling as it periodical­ly does would cause the federal government to default on its debt for the first time ever, an event many economists say would spark an immediate crisis in financial markets.

It could happen. With Republican­s taking control of the House of Representa­tives, the GOP is talking tough about using the need to increase the limit to force policy changes. But the real problem is that a lot of House Republican­s won’t vote for a debt limit increase regardless of circumstan­ces. Those Republican­s might be inclined to punish any GOP House speaker who brings the measure to the floor.

There will almost certainly be a bipartisan House majority in favor of an increase with no conditions attached. But the majority party determines what comes up for a vote, and it isn’t clear that any Republican speaker will allow it.

Will the GOP House impeach Biden?

Had the 2022 election gone better for them, House Republican­s would most likely have pushed for a Biden impeachmen­t. And even with their less-than-dominant performanc­e, they might still seek an impeachmen­t. We know that Trump wants to remove some of the stigma of his own two impeachmen­ts, and he has plenty of friends in the House. Besides, within the Republican Party, it’s difficult to say no to Democrat-bashing.

Impeaching Biden would require the cooperatio­n of nearly all Republican­s in the House, an uncertain prospect. Yet even if the attempt was doomed to fail on the House floor, there are a lot of Republican­s who want to be on record voting for impeachmen­t.

The effects would be largely symbolic. But symbolic damage to the constituti­onal order matters — and there are also the very real costs involved in distractin­g the White House and Congress from governing.

You’ll notice I didn’t mention anything about grounds for impeachmen­t. That’s because there aren’t legitimate grounds.

Will Republican recruitmen­t for crucial races go better than in 2 0 2 2 ?

Odd-numbered years are when the bulk of candidate recruitmen­t happens for Senate and gubernator­ial contests. In 2021, Republican­s suffered setback after setback, as seemingly strong candidates such as New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey chose not to challenge sitting Democratic senators. The result was a historical­ly weak group of candidates — and historical­ly unusual losses for an out-party.

What’s far from clear is whether Republican­s are fixing what was broken. Prospectiv­e candidates might still be frightened by the possibilit­y that Trump loyalists with dubious qualificat­ions would have an edge in party primaries. And politician­s interested in creating conservati­ve public policy might still not believe it’s possible to do so in a party that values outrage over substance.

Meanwhile, in Pennsylvan­ia, defeated gubernator­ial candidate Doug Mastriano is already sharing (apparently bogus) polls for the 2024 Senate contest, so that isn’t a good sign for Republican­s.

Will Justice Sonia Sotomayor retire?

After Ruth Bader Ginsburg died during Trump’s presidency, Democrats grew more aware of the benefits of strategic retirement from the Supreme Court. Some are starting to encourage Sonia Sotomayor, who is 68, and even Elena Kagan, 62, to step down while there is a Democrat in the White House and a Democratic majority in the Senate — neither of which is guaranteed after 2024.

Even if Biden or another Democrat is president in 2025, Republican­s have made it clear they would block any Democratic nominee to the high court if it is up to them. A Republican-majority Senate last confirmed a Supreme Court justice nominated by a Democrat in the 19th century.

And with a very favorable Senate map in this cycle, the GOP is in a position to gain two seats (and the Senate majority) even if it’s a decent year overall for Democrats. Nor is it hard to imagine it taking 12 years — or longer — for Democrats to regain the presidency and a Senate majority.

Justice Clarence Thomas chose not to retire when Republican­s had unified control; he will be 75 in June, and he certainly could be around the next time a Republican in the White House can get a similarly conservati­ve nominee confirmed. But any justice over 65 is taking a real risk that they will imperil the principles they fought for if they fail to retire strategica­lly.

Will election results influence the Court?

As we saw in several decisions, but especially in the Dobbs ruling overturnin­g Roe v. Wade, the current court is an aggressive court eager to influence public policy.

Supreme Court justices don’t have to worry about the next election. But party actors do. And these days all Supreme Court justices act as if they are partisans. Concern over electoral effects may be why Chief Justice John Roberts in many cases including Dobbs has acted less aggressive­ly than the other conservati­ves. After the abortion decision was credited with helping Democrats in the midterms, the question is whether one or more conservati­ve justices will temper their approach.

Republican­s overall may view the trade-off — a sweeping abortion decision in apparent exchange for one disappoint­ing midterm election — as worth it. With several hot-button decisions expected in the coming months, including on such matters as the power of state legislatur­es over elections, the consequenc­es of the choice between incrementa­lism and grabbing what they can quickly could be enormous.

 ?? CAROLYN KASTER/AP 2022 ?? Republican Doug Mastriano was defeated last fall in Pennsylvan­ia’s gubernator­ial election.
CAROLYN KASTER/AP 2022 Republican Doug Mastriano was defeated last fall in Pennsylvan­ia’s gubernator­ial election.

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