Daily Times Leader

Simplicity That Is In Christ


In such a complex, busy and fast-paced world we have today, it is refreshing to have a few things that are simple. One of the most important things to keep simple is the church and the worship of God. The apostle Paul was very concerned about the Corinthian church getting beguiled and corrupted by Satan to complicate the “simplicity that is in Christ” (2 Cor. 11:3). Thankfully, God keeps things simple in a world that is increasing­ly complicate­d and constantly fluctuatin­g.

In a world where it seems that everything changes at a breakneck pace, it is a great comfort to trust in a God that cannot change (Mal. 3:6). Jesus Christ does not change with the times or culture, but Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8). Sometimes it is hard to know who to trust today. In the midst of possible confusion and deception at any hand, it gives great peace to trust in a God that cannot lie ( Titus 1: 2). If we encounter confusion from the noise and complexity, we can rest assured that is not from the Lord. God is not the author of confusion but of peace (1 Cor. 14:33).

God knew that in the midst of a complex world his people needed simplicity. Satan makes things complicate­d, but Christ makes things simple. God set up his original church in such a simple way. Salvation is simple. We are saved by grace alone (Eph. 2:8-9). God made worship in his church simple.

We find in the New Testament the original church had three simple components of worship: singing, praying, and preaching. While some might disparage it, I believe it's a great blessing to just simply live a “quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (1 Tim. 2:4). What a blessing to just live the “simple life” that God has ordained for his people.

This is my first article to write in this way, and we look forward to sharing time with you discussing God's word and spiritual matters. Some might wonder, “What is a Primitive Baptist?” Well, I can tell you are simple. We attempt to maintain the simplicity that is in Jesus Christ. We would invite you to “come and see” and share the simple life with us in Christ.

David Wise is the head pastor at Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church in Ackerman, Miss.

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