Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Today in history


1727 Physicist, mathematic­ian and astronomer Sir Isaac Newton died in London. 1815

Napoleon Bonaparte returned to Paris after escaping his exile on Elba, beginning his “Hundred Days” rule. 1852

Harriet Beecher Stowe’s influentia­l novel about slavery, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” was first published in book form after being serialized. 1922

The decommissi­oned USS Jupiter, converted into the first U.S. Navy aircraft carrier, was re-commission­ed as the USS Langley. 1933 The state of Florida electrocut­ed Giuseppe Zangara for shooting to death Chicago Mayor Anton J. Cermak at a Miami event attended by Presidente­lect Franklin D. Roosevelt, the presumed target, the previous February. 1942

U.S. Army Gen. Douglas MacArthur, having evacuated the Philippine­s at the order of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, told reporters at a train station in Terowie, Australia: “I came out of Bataan, and I shall return.” 1952

The U.S. Senate ratified, 66-10, a Security Treaty with Japan. At the Academy Awards, “An American in Paris” won best picture; Humphrey Bogart received best actor for “The African Queen” while Vivien Leigh was named best actress, Kim Hunter best supporting actress and Karl Malden best supporting actor for “A Streetcar Named Desire.” 1977

Voters in Paris chose former French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac to be the French capital’s first mayor in more than a century. 1987

The Food and Drug Administra­tion approved the sale of AZT, a drug shown to prolong the lives of some AIDS patients.

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