Daily Times (Primos, PA)



1. It took a millennium before schoolteac­hers had a usable translatio­n of this epic Anglo-Saxon poem, where the howling namesake hero vanquishes a monster, the mother of a monster, and a dragon. 2. This is one of the most popular King Arthur tales, where the title character knight of the round table beheads but doesn’t kill a verdant fighter and other title character. 3. The exact date of this Shakespear­ean comedy is never stated, but its title implies the first week of August, in the evening, in a place called Fairyland. And according to Puck, the whole thing may have been imagined. 4. If Rudyard Kipling wrote “The Origin of Species,” it would look like this collection of 13 incorrect evolutiona­ry stories that was adapted in 1984 musical. 5. Robin Williams once portrayed JM Barre’s most famous character, this whimsical hero modeled after Barre’s teenage brother who was killed in a skating accident when he went through the ice and froze to death. 6. CS Lewis wrote this staple of childhood fantasy that is comprised of seven books, concludes with “The Last Battle” and takes place in a magical land named after a small town in Italy. 7. The New York Times ranked this whimsical 1980 book by Lynn Reid Banks “the best novel of the year.” It’s about a boy and his toy Iroquois, and in 1995 it was made into a movie.

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