Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Sound Off: Call 484-521-3180



In Chester Park, there are areas where there are parking spots, benches, playground equipment and trash receptacle­s at each one of those. Do you think people put their fast food wrappers, bottles and diapers in the cans? No, they’d rather just throw it on the ground. I wonder if they do that at home, too.


As a Ridley taxpayer, I am so proud of the way they keep the schools – they are clean and neat and so nice for our children to go to. Now let’s get to work on our fields.


I had to laugh with “Mona From Boothwyn” sounding like someone in a drunken bar argument at the end of the night, saying, “There was no draft when Obama was in office” instead of when he was in the age range for Selective Service, and that Trump had five deferments for bone spurs. Remember, no matter how much factual evidence people give you that Trump had four student deferments and one for bone spurs, keep raising your voice and slamming your glass and eventually people will cave and say you’re right.


I saw a commercial for Laura Ellsworth, a Republican running for governor, and she is touting the same failed policies that Republican­s have been telling for the last 40 years. She wants to lower taxes and reduce regulation­s – two things Republican­s always try to do and two things that when they do them blow up in their face. Why do these people have this idiotic notion that lowering taxes and getting rid of regulation­s actually works to help the country? It never has and it never will. But apparently they’ve influenced enough moronic voters in this country to believe that this is actually the truth.


To “So Did W.,” at least Dubya had extended stays at property he owned. He’s got one up on Trump and Obama in the taxpayerfu­nded travel agency department.


I saw a show recently that used the phrase “look for the union label.” I remember commercial­s that used to say “look for the union label” because unions made the middle class. There wouldn’t even be in middle class without unions. And yet today we have middle class people putting unions down, saying we don’t need unions and unions are bad for this country. And these are the same people who wouldn’t even be in the position there in if it weren’t for unions. How soon people forget.


To “The Final Word,” putting down Clinton and Obama, well I have something for you, too, you pie hole Republican mouth: How about Nixon? He should’ve went to jail. He got away with it. And how about Bush, the junior? He didn’t he didn’t served his country; he stayed in college. And Trump, he never served this country either. So why are you picking on Bill Clinton and Obama?


As a rule, I always pretty much go with Rudy Giuliani – “America’s Mayor.” I was pretty upset after the interview last week. I thought he must have had a liquid lunch. It was very un-Giuliani. DISAPPOINT­ED


To “Mona From Boothwyn,” yeah, you’re right there was no draft when Obama was young, so he didn’t dodge the draft. But a lot of people have served their country without having being drafted. Where was he? What was his problem? JUST WONDERING


All the Republican candidates are running commercial­s using the phrase “conservati­ve values.” Well, I would like to know what so-called conservati­ve values are, since socalled conservati­ve values have not helped our country one iota in the last 40 years. And yet these people talk about these conservati­ve values as if they’re a wondrous thing that will help our country. Well, the country has been under control of the Republican­s a fair amount over the last 40 years, and when have these wondrous conservati­ve values actually helped the country? Never. SWARTHMORE SAM

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