Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Sound Off: Call 484-521-3180



Does anyone else remember when Facebook was about family pictures and people’s pets and people’s going on a beautiful vacation and everybody was happy? Now all Facebook is still with political nonsense. Fifty percent of it, if not more, of it is not true. Let’s bring Facebook back to what it was. A.W.W.


You’ve got to love the school boards and these budgets. What’s the matter, school boards? Your investment­s are doing so good this year, are they? You probably put your stuff in high risk where you were counting on a 10 to 15 percent return to cover your teacher’s pension fund, and it’s not doing that. So now they’re going to have to do is raise our taxes an extra 1 percent. It’s OK – they’re allowed to do that in the name of the law. I wish I go knock on my neighbor’s door and tell him “my 401(k) is not panning out the way I thought it would and I’m due to retire. Can you loan me an extra hundred a month?” I bet that would work, wouldn’t it?


Hey, would it be too much trouble if the Times posted the National League and American League standings every day, please? JOHNNY G. IN ESSINGTON


Isn’t technology great? You don’t even have to leave the house to go broke any more. You can buy stuff all day long from your computer; charge it. Now you’re going to be able to bet on a sports on your kid’s Xbox. Go broke from home – isn’t that great? First they got to set up how to collect the money and collect the taxes. I could see the property taxes going down and from all the sports betting tax revenue. What do you think? Don’t get your hopes up; taxes will never go down, only go up. Politician­s are too smart for that.


To “Johnny’s Boy,” don’t let big-labor Democrats get under your skin and make you act petty. Thirty years ago, Charlie’s had already moved to Folsom. What was Johnny Doc going to do, specify that woman had worked at both locations? Don’t play their game. STOIC GOP


“Labor Moderate” is not a labor moderate; they’re obviously anti-union. They’re trying to mask it with a bunch of redundant phrases. Unions made our middle class a middle class, instead of a lower class and a the poor class. And we are being squeezed into a poor class because of anti-union people like you, which makes you a moron.


Because of his disdain for Donald Trump, John McCain has now become the best ally that the Democrats have in the Congress of the United States. He should change his name to Benedict Arnold.


“Union Guy On Union Avenue” noted that Scott Wagner is anti-union and pro-right to work. All Republican­s are anti-union and pro-right to work, because they know the unions help middle class. Republican­s are anti-middle class. That is why it’s so frustratin­g to so many moronic middle class people vote Republican election after election, when Republican­s don’t care about them and they never have and never will care about them.


“Tit For Tat” is a typical juvenile right-winger who’s going to pick on people because somebody else picked on somebody they like. Well, the fact is that Trump is the worst present this country has ever seen, Bush is probably the secondwors­t president this country’s ever seen, and Clinton and Obama were both good presidents. So we should be able to criticize Trump and Bush because they were and are horrible presidents.


Can you believe this guy, Trump, using taxpayer money? He’s president of the country he’s taken off in the middle of the day to use a helicopter to go to the hospital see his wife. Can you believe this guy? He’s supposed to be running this country. Just thinking a security detail that’s got to be at the hospital watching her.

and the security details got to follow him as he jumped in a helicopter. Running a helicopter all over Washington, D.C., and Virginia to go to the hospital and see his wife. The nerve of this guy; going there at least two days in a row. Come on now, Trump, do your job.

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