Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Coming clean: Public embrace for celeb addicts offers hope

- By Leanne Italie

NEWYORK>> Beneath sparkling chandelier­s hanging in the famed Rainbow Room, as a gala crowd dotted with rock stars sat around white-clothed dinner tables, Ringo Starr stood at a podium and described what it felt like to be 30 years sober.

With wife Barbara Bach Starkey — herself a recovering alcoholic — at his side, the former Beatle described what it took for him to get help and called for more resources and acceptance for the treatment movement that saved their lives.

“I was living my life so great,” Ringo said at the recent fundraiser for the addiction advocacy nonprofit Facing Addiction with NCADD . “I was one of those really nice pass-out, blackout drunks. Anyway, I came to one night and ... out of a blackout, I came to the next day and I had done a lot of damage. I was about to lose the love of my life, Barbara, and everything else. It was my moment.” Ringo was rewarded with a warm embrace from guests, some in recovery themselves or touched by addiction in other ways. But it wasn’t all that long ago, for the high-profile and the Every Kid, that the stigma of addiction was so great careers, families and lives were ruined if word leaked. For some stars, the disease of addiction turned them into public mockeries. The addiction battles of Whitney Houston and Amy Winehouse were comic foils for others, for example.

Such a backlash continues for many, but more celebritie­s are detailing their struggles and roads to recovery in the moment, taking advantage of social media and the 24/7 news cycle to reveal all, soak up support and reach out.

Demi Lovato took to Instagram with a health update not long after her recent overdose: “I have always been transparen­t about my journey with addiction. What I’ve learned is that this illness is not something that disappears or fades with time. It is something I must continue to overcome and have not done yet.”

She thanked God and her family — and thousands and thousands of admirers offered up their love on her page.

Ben Affleck did the same after he exited a rehab program for his alcohol addiction. Russell Brand even wrote a book about it, “Recovery: Freedom from Our Addictions,” calling this the age of addiction, “a condition so epidemic, so all-encompassi­ng and ubiquitous that unless you are fortunate enough to be an extreme case, you probably don’t know that you have it.”

Celebratin­g sobriety, Macklemore recently headlined “Recovery Fest,” rocking a crowd of more than 10,000 at a drug- and alcohol-free concert in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, that also included recovery yoga and recovery meetings.

“Whether it’s a meeting or whether it’s stage I rather just share my experience, strength and hope with the people,” the rapper told the crowd.

So how does all the truth-telling and wellness talk trickle down from celebritie­s to the streets? Nicely, said people on other sides of the equation.

“One of the greatest obstacles for individual­s from seeking treatment for addiction is the stigma surroundin­g addiction and their experience of shame. The more celebritie­s who are willing to be transparen­t about their addiction and recovery, the more we can offer hope to all families struggling with addiction,” said therapist and drug counselor John Hamilton, who heads outreach for Mountainsi­de, which has a residentia­l treatment facility in Canaan, Connecticu­t.

Addiction and alcoholism are the No. 1 causes of death in the U.S. for people under 50, according to government data. The cost to jails, courts, hospitals and the price of death itself, along with other factors, are estimated at $442 billion a year, according to Facing Addiction, which recently combined with the more establishe­d nonprofit the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence .

Mike Frasco, 29, knows about the power of sobriety firsthand, along with the power of music.

Those worlds merged at a crucial time in his life, thanks to a 20-year-old, New York-based nonprofit called Road Recovery . It offers at-risk young people the chance to work with music pros and recovering addicts like Slash, and Roger and John Taylor of Duran Duran, at live concert events and in the recording studio.

Frasco was fresh out of rehab a couple of years ago when he hooked up with the organizati­on, cofounded by ex-tour manager and recovering addict Gene Bowen and Jack Bookbinder, a former manager for Gregg Allman and Jeff Buckley.

As part of the program, Frasco wrote and others in his Road Recovery group played on a single, “No Rewind,” with production support from the Taylors. The song was released in 2016.

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