Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Sound Off for Monday, Oct. 29



I cannot believe that Ridley Park is considerin­g an earned-income tax. Isn’t there enough taxes being taken from everybody? Now you’re just making up stuff just to make more money. That’s a darn disgrace. What’s the matter with you people? Work for your people, help your people, help the people in your county. Now you want more taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes! People can’t do it any more. Stop it!


“Northern Exposure” says liberals are racist because they said that if Trump was elected they’d move to Canada and not Mexico. Well, let me see why anyone would want to move to Canada. Canada has free health. Canada’s economy is better than Mexico’s. Let me see. Would you rather go a country like America where you’ll go bankrupt if you have a medical problem or would you rather go to a country that has free health care?


I don’t get it when the president of this great country can tell lies every day, blatant lies. lies proven to be false, and no one does anything about it. He says “make America great again.” We have always been great. We should be saying we’re not going to take it any more.


Oh yeah, I read Andy Reilly’s letter to the editor, living in a bubble of Delaware County Republican­ism. He likes to bang the drum for the booming economy which is only because of the policies and the leadership of Barack Obama that are now coming into effect. He reminds me of the scene in “The Wizard of Oz” where the wizard says, “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.” Just keep drinking the Kool Aid, Andy, that’ll be all right in the morning. OLD TIMER ON OXFORD ROAD


This is for the person that says “Try the Democrats.” This person is obviously a Republican and doesn’t realize it they’re calling for a Democratic vote so that the Democrats can lower taxes and help people increase wages to make a good living. But they don’t realize that Democrats have never, ever voted for lower taxes and Democrats are appalled by people making good wages because they want to tax the hell out of people making good wages.


It should be quite obvious that all these bombs going to Hillary, Obama. CNN and Wasserman are nothing more than a dirty Democratic trick to shed a bad light on the Republican­s. It’s quite obvious to me.


I would like to know what the government’s going to do for senior citizens. All they’re doing is taking their money. They really don’t care and they’re getting rich.


I finally figured out why the guy in the White House is so nervous about this so called caravan coming from the South towards United States. Think about it. About 400500 years ago, the Spanish, the French and the English all had a caravan basically coming over to this country and they wiped out the native people. That’s what he is afraid of — this caravan is going to come to this country and wipe out the people who stole the country and then take it over like we took it over from the people that were living here before the white man from York showed up. I bet you the guy in White House doesn’t even know anything about our history of taking over this country but hey, now I understand why he’s so nervous. Somebody else might do the same thing. We have laws in place to keep people out of this country, even though that’s what this country is all about.


The corruption of Republican­s is unabashed. They’re not even trying to hide it. And yet you’ll hear Republican­s calling up the Sound Off talking about how proud they are to be a Republican and how they’re going to vote Republican. Are these people as corrupt and disgusting as the people they’re voting for? Obviously they are because they don’t care how corrupt the people they’re voting for are. WHEN WILL IT END?

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