Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Sound Off: Call 484-521-3180

- Clinton was impeached, but not convicted in the Senate — Ed. BILL FROM BROOMALL JUST WONDERING DAN


Let’s get rid of that man and the woman that are heading the Democratic committee. There are the problems. Get rid of them and maybe they’ll be able to get on with their lives and forget all the things they’re saying about Trump. They’re going to raise your taxes. They’re going to take it away from you.


Clinton had women in the White House all the time. They had a good time and nobody said anything about them especially when Clinton was with that young girl. What a disgrace he was. He should have been impeached. We have to get behind our president. I never seen so many people in the Democratic Party that want to degrade our president. They’re throwing our boarders are open to illegals and families. We have our people sleeping on the street, homeless who have no jobs. The liberal Democrats will give it to these people. Trump is right. It has to stop.


To all you idiot drivers out there, when you’re going through a school zone and it says the speed limit is 15 I’m going 15. You can ride my tail all you want. You can even give me the finger and beep at me but when it says 15, I’m going 15.


Christine Flowers, you’re smart enough to see what’s going on, aren’t you? They’re trying to wreck, inch by inch, the fabric of society. We’ve already destroyed the institutio­n of marriage. That’s the first step. Next they’re going to destroy your church and your religion, bring it down and turn everybody against it. Once we destroy that then we can go about destroying our educationa­l system. We’re doing a pretty good job in that, too.


On Halloween night, my grandchild­ren trick-or-treated in Aston. They do come out of an apartment complex and they go into the surroundin­g community and I completely understand the dark houses but for all the people who decorated their houses and sat outside and gave candy to the kids and talk to them and talked about the costumes, it was really really nice. I want them to know that someone really appreciate­d it. I want to thank the people in that community and the other communitie­s that do that for the kids. It’s nice it’s still alive.


Today I’ll wear my “End the Madness Nov. 6, 2018 Vote” T-shirt when I cast my vote to repudiate the hatred and lies that Americans have endured for the last 655 days. And pray that on Day 656, the election results will let this wanna-be-dictator know, in no uncertain terms, “You are the Enemy of America, not the Media, not the Free Press, and especially not the FBI, Justice Dept. and CIA.”


I see the paper blaming the Republican­s for dividing the country. How do you think Trump got elected in the first place? It’s because this country was really divided.


Hey “Rebel,” you idiot. We turn the clocks back so that there’s daylight in the morning when you get up to go to work and when your kids have to go out the house to go to the bus stop and so they don’t get run over. What’s the matter with you? You doofus. You don’t get up early, do you? You fool. Get a job. Get up and go to work.


I see the editor had to explain that it was an ad for Mary Gay Scanlon on the front page the other day. Anybody with a brain would see that is advertisin­g but that’s a problem with Republican­s — they don’t have brains, so they just do what their Republican overlords tell them to do.


These signs that you put on your front lawn are idiotic are because you’re not going to change anybody’s votes with a sign. I walked past my polling place and one of the candidates had four signs up. Why? “Oh, you missed the first one, you walk 5 feet, you missed the second one, you walk 6 or 7 feet, you missed the third one, the one right before the door?” This is how stupid elections are. They waste all that money.

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