Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Sound Off: Call 484-470-6442 or email newsroom@delcotimes.com



The Times keeps responding to letter writers in Sound Off with socalled proof taken from newspapers that nobody trust anymore. Why? You might as well be quoting Barney the purple dinosaur. Although he would at least have less of a liberal agenda.


Well, Joe Biden finally decided to talk, but not about his son and his dealings with Ukraine. He went after Trump and said he must be impeached. Hunter a noshow and lets his daddy go out and speak. That’s a sign of guilt. He can’t and won’t defend himself. Joe Biden is a disgrace. He knows what he and his son have done, making millions of dollars from a foreign country, and Hunter and his daddy are afraid of what might happen. Joe Biden is a disgrace and shouldn’t be running for president. He wasn’t a good vice president either. Several people that I work with will never even consider voting for him, but he won’t get that far.


The well of stupidity is bottomless. In Thursday’s Sound Off, we have someone claiming that Democrats — Democrats! — have a “schoolyard mentality.” For the love of all that is good, has this person ever listened to the words or read the tweets this idiot president spews in public? The childish namecallin­g that isn’t even excusable for an 8-year-old? The person then uses the phrase “Russian collusion nonsense,” as if there has been no substance at all to the charges. And the best example yet of the stupidity is the use of the phrase, “Now they (Dems) coerce some so-called whistleblo­wer …” Got that? This person just knows that the whistleblo­wer(s) — it’s now plural — have been coerced. With zero proof, except for what was likely heard from one of the bloviating rightwing talking heads. I know this is Sound Off - but have a bit of respect for yourself and those who will read your idiocy before spouting unfounded garbage, even if you are anonymous. JB


Donald Trump has blood on his hands again. The Kurds are fleeing in Syria after his wink-wink nod-nod to the dictator of Turkey who did business with Trump’s money. It is horrendous and sad, no excuses. No excuses. No excuses. Just the deaths of the innocent women and children. You are beyond redemption.


To “If Only:” You are right, we wouldn’t have been in Afghanista­n 20 years ago because 9/11 hadn’t happened yet. Maybe you mean Iraq. No, there wouldn’t be a wall along the southern border because immigratio­n was as big of a problem and GPS wasn’t readily available like it is now for illegals to navigate across the desert at night. And yes, China would still have missiles that could reach any city in the country because they have had them for longer than 20 years. Maybe you mean North Korea. Because they all look alike. North Korea has missiles that experts “believe” can reach Hawaii, Alaska, and much of the West Coast. But not much of the Midwest, or the South and East Coast.


“If Only” shows just how completely insane Trump supporters are. What are you trying to say, that if he was president 20 years ago he would have done all these wonderful things? Building a wall border is not a wonderful thing. He’s never done anything good for this country since he’s been in office. All the things he’s done have helped himself and his rich cronies. People in this country do have respect for the office of president. We have more respect for the office of president than Donald Trump has for us.


Trump says it’s OK to pull our troops out of Syria because the Kurds didn’t help us in World War II and didn’t help us at Normandy. Everything has to be a quid pro quo with the United States. It’s never been about doing things because people do things for us. We have always been the beacon in the world but we are turning into a cesspool. It’s horrible and it’s disgusting and I’m sure his supporters have no problem with him doing whatever he does because they’re just as disgusting he is.

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