Daily Times (Primos, PA)



So we’ve learned in the last few days that some Sound Off readers don’t think The New York Times or The Washington Post, both winners of multiple Pulitzer Prizes, are reputable sources of news. Too biased against Our Wonderful Leader, they say. All righty, then. I’ll accept the word of anonymous callers to Sound Off — Sound Off! — over two of the best news platforms in the world. Sound Off: That’s where I’ll get my news from now on. DEPLORABLE JOHN


Democrats will be embarrasse­d by this impeachmen­t witch hunt, just like Mueller embarrasse­d himself when he testified. He couldn’t answer simple questions about his report. He didn’t write the report. He was a token investigat­or. All the money that spent on it was wasted. That was money that could have been used to fix our problems. They wasted all this money on trying to get something on Trump and they got nothing. Democrats should grow up or be replaced.


Lindsey Graham was supposedly going to try to find out from Trump a reason why he’s pulling troops out of Syria. Well you know by now there’s no rhyme or reason for anything that he does. He’s deranged. The only people more deranged than Donald Trump in this country are his supporters. YIPPEE


Is it legal for Comcast to drop the Turner Classic Channel when we are paying for a package with it included? Then they should the price. JUST WONDERING DAN


Adam Schiff is a disgrace to his committee. He’s always leaking informatio­n that shouldn’t get out. He leaks more than a dripping faucet. What is his problem? He’s a little nobody but he tries to keep his face in the public’s eye. He has no shame, no morals, no conscience. He’s a small individual. There are too many people agree with his mentality in Congress. They don’t deserve recognitio­n. They are disgusting. This is just my opinion.


Jodine Mayberry, retire completely. I just read your article putting down our president for pulling out of that country over there. And what I want to tell you is because you were retired and have time on your hands, go down to Dover Air Force Base when some of our troops come back in the country and talk to their families and see if it’s worth being over there. You probably also support the Vietnam War. We lost 56,000 men, many thousands wounded and disabled and you see what it got us? Nothing. We have American companies in Vietnam now working. It’s all Vietnam. There’s no north or south and you can go there on vacation. In fact an odd thing was I bought some frozen shrimp at Walmart the other day and I got them home and saw on the package “A product of Vietnam.” So all that fighting and all that killing changed nothing.


I’d like to Sound Off about the great article in Wednesday’s paper on living and food. I was tickled pink to find out that Monday is National Dessert Day. I have a sweet tooth and I love the Dairy Cottage in Springfiel­d or Nifty Fifties. They have a great orange creamsicle milkshake that’s really over the top. THE GALLOPING G OURMET


Yes, this is for “No More TCM” in the Tuesday paper, complainin­g about his cable company charging him extra. Do what I did about 15 years ago. I cut off cable entirely. I realized most of what I watched was either on TCM or mindless sitcoms on the networks and I could actually live without it. I got a DVD player. I went to WalMart. I went to Target I go online. I’ve got my own little TCM library of DVDs and a lot of them can be had for under $10 or $15 because they’re old and the new generation has no idea how good they are. So us old people get to benefit from it and I can watch a TCM-type movie whenever I want to see them. And if I really had a good time watching it I can watch it a second time. So if TCM is what you mostly watch, get a DVD player if you don’t already have one and stock up on DVDs at home. Good luck.

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