Daily Times (Primos, PA)


- this cheating. SICK AND TIRED

I’d like to Sound Off about this. Dr. Oz now says that breakfast is unnecessar­y. We were always told it’s the most important meal of the day. It sends you on your way. I’m in my seventh decade of life and I’m going to keep eating breakfast as long as I can and to tell you the truth, Dr. Oz doesn’t look that good to me. HEALTHY ON HOFFMAN


I was watching Nancy Pelosi on the TV Sunday. Wow. She really thinks she’s going to run the country. Why doesn’t she run for president? Crazy, man, crazy.


I’m honored that the great, impressive­ly informed “Just Wondering Dan” refuses to read the things I send that the Daily Times publishes. I, on the other hand, derive great entertainm­ent from his mindless, unsubstant­iated blather whenever the Daily Times prints it in Sound Off. I guess you can say that I’m a fan of “Just Wondering Dan.” Hey, that rhymes! Keep the bloviating coming, “Dan.” I enjoy it! JB


Went to lunch the other day and the local pizza place we ate at had 6ABC news on. My colleague asked me does anyone watch local news anymore. I said I do and I only watch 6ABC and for three reasons and three reasons only. Janette Reyes, Christie Ileto and Karen Rogers.

I feel like they are talking to me and only me.


I’d like to Sound Off about the 35 years it took for football to put Harold Carmichael, the Eagles wide receiver, in the Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio. A lot of good memories of Harold from the 700 level of the Vet. Third-and-goal throw it in the corner. He would catch it. Way to go, Harold. You did Philly proud. BIG SKIN TIGHT HERE IN PROSPECT PARK


New Upper Darby motto: More like Philly every day.


Donald Trump is apparently the only president in the history of the country to not divest himself of his businesses while being president and has profited handsomely while being president from these businesses, which is a clear violation of the emoluments clause of the Constituti­on, an impeachabl­e offense. This is a man that does not respect the Constituti­on, does not respect the letter of the law, and basically anything else. His supporters have no problem with Trump not respecting the Constituti­on or the letter of the law, which makes them just as corrupt as Trump.


The next time I hear someone say that Boston is a great sports town I’m going to vomit. That town is full and nothing but cheaters — Patriots, Red Sox, and Celtics, maybe. It’s time to put a clamp on all


In response to the article about “Delco teams with state to find source of the smell,” I myself left a message with the Delaware County. Has anyone looked into that it could be jet fuel dropping that off all the time. We’re right near the airport and jets do drop fuel, I think more than we know. I think it’s a pretty common practice to drop some of their fuel before they land. So I don’t know if anyone’s looking into that, but it might make sense.


You published a letter today, Wednesday, Jan. 15, from a woman who is encouragin­g people to register for the primary to vote straight Democratic. Fine. That is her prerogativ­e. But she says in her letter and I quote, “Registrati­on forms are available at all post offices and libraries or online.” That is not true. They are available online. But as far as the post offices and the libraries, some have them and some don’t. I’m a retired postal worker. We got rid of birth registrati­on forms and tax forms in many post offices years ago because it was getting to be a hassle. If we were out of a form our staff was getting yelled even though there were signs that say the post office does not stack these forms. If they don’t have them, for God’s sake don’t yell at the staff. The decisions are made by the higher-ups. Thank you. And yes, sir, vote Republican. STAND AND DELIVER

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