Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Sound Off: Call 484-470-6442 or email newsroom@delcotimes.com



Again, the news media says it’s supposed to snow but it will change to rain and only be about an inch. Yet all the news channels are talking about snowstorms and then they take you to Allentown and the Lehigh Valley and the Poconos to show how people are stocking up. We are only getting an inch, but they make it like it’s a big storm. Again, fake news. DONALD TRUMP


Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham need to recuse themselves from the impeachmen­t trial immediatel­y. They swore to be impartial but McConnell has already repeatedly said that he is going to do whatever Trump tells him to, and Graham has flatout said that he is not an impartial juror. So they need to recuse themselves from the trial ASAP. But of course, they won’t. THE SWAMP RAT


Charles Barkley has said it best: Poor people have been voting Democrats forever. And guess what? I’m still poor. Think about that, people, in November 2020. God Bless America.


Dear Gordon Glantz: Thanks for your article about Rush. However Chilliwack and April Wine didn’t form as bands as a result of Rush’s wellearned popularity. April Wine began in 1971 and Chilliwack(the band not the town) was formed in 1970. Neil may have unfortunat­ely passed away but the music lives on.


This is to “Bill from Broomall:” The three sources you named — the Washington Post, the New York Times and the L.A. Times — are all fake news and just like Elizabeth Warren you can’t believe a word they say. TRUMP 2020


Okay. Can anyone take the impeachmen­t of President Trump seriously, when the Democratic Party has tried to impeach him so many times before? I am an 80-yearold woman who has voted one way or the other in every election since I was old enough to vote. I have never seen anything like the Democratic Party today. I’ve been upset and disappoint­ed in the results of a national election. So have others been disappoint­ed but we accepted the election results and hoped for a different result in the next election. Never did we think of undoing a legitimate national election because of the way the Democrats are reacting to the winner of the 2016 election. HARD TO WATCH


To answer the question of what Democrats have done for us lately: They passed over 100 bills to help middle-class Americans. They sit on Mitch McConnell’s desk. Why don’t you really do research instead of listening to the people who will blindly support our president?


It is now official. America is no longer a democracy. Mitch McConnell has declared that the president is above the laws of the land and can do as he pleases. These are truly dark days for freedom and justice.


To “What a Disgrace:” I’m sorry to hear that your house burnt down. I’m also sorry that you have to deal with a security company that will not cancel your contact for their services to provide security for something that no longer exists. The house is gone and you owe $2,000 on a contract that they will not cancel. This reminds me of an old adage, “It’s better to owe it to you than cheat you out of it.” They might eventually cancel your service due to non-payment. Fight fire with fire! Tell the Channel 10 TV investigat­ors about the problem. Perhaps they can remedy the situation. Companies just love negative TV exposure. WLKGDEAD 1/9


I notice Trump supporters are very upset when they’re called stupid, but they don’t seem to mind being called corrupt, which is pretty strange. Because stupid people have somewhat of an excuse for supporting Trump because they can say they don’t believe the Trump is corrupt, even though he is, but people that know Trump is corrupt and accept it are way worse.

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