Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Have hope for today

- By Catherine Galasso-Vigorito cgv@anewyouwor­ldwide.com Catherine GalassoVig­orito Columnist

It’s been said, “Our life is a book, and there are sections within.” Some parts we seem to be able to flip through with an anointing of ease, while other pages are an ongoing challenge. But whatever experience­s come to us, they are new chapters in our education…if we are willing to learn from them.

Are you struggling with a situation? Have you been hurt?

What have you been saying about your circumstan­ce?

Today, a great ray of light is breaking forth through the cloud-ridden sky. Each morning the world is reborn and made anew. And with the new day, comes a clean slate. Therefore, receive a fresh beginning and start again. Have hope for today.

I recall hearing a memorable story about a lady who spent the afternoon at the shoreline. Discourage­d and dishearten­ed, she continuall­y worried about her mistakes of the past, replaying them over and over in her mind.

She stood at the water’s edge and watched the waves calmly move forward and draw away. The sun was shining, as the clouds drifted slowly across the blue sky. Then a wind current shifted, the tide began to change; and soon, a large wave advanced at her with force. And as it surged, it sprayed onto the lady the cool mist of the ocean’s water.

The lady gazed at the drops of water that landed on her arms. As she looked at the tiny droplets, she felt the Lord say to her in her heart, “See those droplets of water on your arm…” and “see the vast ocean…”

The lady answered, “Yes, God, I see them both.” God replied, “Those tiny drops are your sins, and the ocean is My mercy.”

With her spirit lifted, she heard God request, “Now throw those drops of water back into the vast ocean.” The lady tried to flick the droplets back into the water.

“Now,” He tenderly continued, asking, “If you looked for those droplets in the ocean, would you find them?”

With clarity, the lady understood, and she shook her head from side to side, “No, dear God. I could not find them.”

The Lord again spoke to her heart, “The past is gone, dear one… you have been forgiven. Those mistakes, setbacks and failures are tiny drops in the vast ocean of My mercy.”

Receive a new beginning now. Stop looking back… all yesterdays should be yesterdays; the past is over and done. Discontinu­e hurting yourself or putting yourself down because of conditions that happened longago that were out of your control. You have too much ability, talent and strengths to waste any more of your precious time on toxic individual­s or adverse situations. Be careful what you are saying about past situations. Push through the wall of doubt, and let defeat drop off of you. In its place, pray, and ask God to heal your heart, for He is a God of another chance. As with this lady, you have already been forgiven. So, press on to what is ahead and take hold of the new.

Did a dream not work out the way you planned? Don’t give up or give in to desperatio­n. Rest confidentl­y, knowing that God is taking care of you, protecting you and will intercede and bring about deliveranc­e. God has something better for you up ahead. “He shall direct thy path.” (Proverbs 3:6).

Are you fearful or worried? Reflect on God’s word. Instead of worries, keep your focus on Him, our unfailing, unchanging source of strength. Remember, “No weapon formed against thee shall prosper.” (Isaiah 54:17).

Has someone hurt you? Let it go. God will pay you back double for any calamity. “For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess the double: everlastin­g joy shall be unto them.” (Isaiah 61:17).

Do you think your best days are over? Substitute more positive and realistic thoughts for the destructiv­e thinking that is leading you to feel badly. See yourself as God sees you: blessed, chosen, born to excel, created for accomplish­ment and intended to live in victory. “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7).

Has your strength been weakened, and now you feel as though you don’t have enough faith to carry on? Take to God everything that concerns you. His power is far greater than you can imagine, and He stands ready to perform miracles for you. For God says: “I’ve dealt to everyone the measure of faith.” (Romans 12:3).

Do you have a challenge to overcome? God is bigger than any troubles. Be courageous. Stand strong. Continue praying for God’s hand to move in your behalf. “In the world you have tribulatio­n, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).

Recently, a reader sent me this message: “Only God can turn a mess into a message, a test into a testimony, a trail into a triumph, and a victim into a victor.”

You can face whatever the future holds with hope. God’s promises are “Yes” and “May it be so.” Thus, He will work all things together for good.

There’s a sunbeam of blessing just ahead for you. Turn the page today, and let faith rise in your heart. Meditate on God’s promises. Let Him fill you with His peace and joy, so that you will have an abundance of strength. God loves you with an everlastin­g love and declares, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5).

It’s a new day of victory. Reach forth to the wonderful things which are before you… in the magnificen­t book of your life.

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