Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Sound Off: Call 484-470-6442 or email newsroom@delcotimes.com



I found the results of the June 2 primary on the Delaware County website. If we are to believe these numbers as reported, then voter apathy is rampant. No one from any party should complain about who becomes the leader of our country next year. It’s a disgrace that even with mail-in voting not even 35 percent of the registered voters in the county bothered to vote.


I heard a very disturbing comment today that a gentleman in his 60s is going to vote for Trump because Trump gave him a stimulus check. Imagine selling your soul for a lousy $1,200. I wonder how many pieces of silver that is. Our service members pledge their lives to defend our Constituti­on and this bozo-in-chief spits in their face.


Yeah, one year ago the refinery in South Philadelph­ia blew up. Tragically it never ever reopened.

And when they locked the doors the men and women that worked there were given no medical care. No financial aid. I see that the new owner has plans for something like an industrial park. But these people’s skills don’t readily transferre­d to another industry that well. I just hope and pray that they’re all right, and they land on their feet somehow. But to fall through the cracks like that is just heart-rending. And to think you’re not being thought of or cared for it all. UNION MAN ON UNION



President Trump on Saturday at his rally stated that he had told his people to slow down the testing for coronaviru­s. He has no right to put our lives in jeopardy so that we are not aware of the outbreak around us. We have every right to know where it is escalating and we have not stayed at home for three months to just be told it’s none of our business.


Recently, I’ve been thinking that maybe it’s not such a bad idea that Trump’s rally in Oklahoma is going to attract 100,000 people who are going to be stuffed into an arena with no social distancing and no masks. These people are so stupid that they believe Trump when he says the coronaviru­s is essentiall­y gone. These people are so stupid that they’re going to gather together like nothing’s going on.


I think we all agree that it’s time to get organized. The senior citizens, especially in Delaware County, don’t stand a chance. No one cares. Yes, we should organize and have our own group and fight against these school taxes. They’re outrageous. We paid all of our lives and they still will not reduce the seniors’ situation with the school taxes. It has made our lives miserable. The little bit that we saved we’re losing because we’re too busy paying the damn school taxes. Let’s get it together. Let’s see what we can do. These people seem to forget that one day they will be seniors and they will be facing

this problem.


Joe Biden must really be embarrasse­d, knowing his campaign wants to hide him away from the public. He doesn’t even understand why he wants to be president. How awful for him, knowing his own people don’t trust him to face other people. He messed up when he debated others running for president. We all can see what’s happening to him. As the president you have to make important decisions and he can’t do that. What would happen if he became president and while in office and some other tragedy happened, what would he do? Joe has to go.


Two great Republican­s, great job our wonderful

President Trump is doing and I wanted to congratula­te Christine Flowers for her last article. It was wonderful. They are two great people.



It was a bad week for Donald Trump. The Supreme Court that’s loaded with conservati­ves went against him twice - once for the dreamers and once for the gay community. You know things haven’t been going too well for Donald. No, he’s having his big rally with 20,000 people inside yelling and screaming and sneezing and wailing. You see the spike in coronaviru­s cases come up. II don’t I just don’t think the man is ready for the presidency. PATRIOT ON PROVIDENCE

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