Daily Times (Primos, PA)



Religion et al.

1. This alliterati­ve twoword structure of Old Jerusalem is a sacred site whose ownership has long been a frictional matter between Jews and Muslims of the region.

2. This passageway of the wrist houses numerous tendons and nerves.

3. This medieval torture device vertically entombed a living victim in a cabinet made of very heavy metal.

4. What are the male and female rabbit called, up a hill or otherwise?

5. According to the undergroun­d theory espoused by Dan Brown, in the

“Last Supper” who does Leonardo Da Vinci portray to the right of Christ?

6. This word, which is a synonym for infatuatio­n, is commonly used to describe the crucifixio­n of Jesus.

7. Named for a minister, this hunting canine is great at getting foxes and rabbits.

8. In many languages the word for Easter is the same word for this Jewish holiday.

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