Dayton Daily News

Partner’s strong play helps victory


In May I had the honor to speak and play at Godfrey’s Grand Slam BeneRit, an Atlanta event that raised almost $34,000 for spina biRida research.

The strong play of my partner, Frank Garson, helped us top our section. In today’s deal, I opened a weak two-bid, South overcalled and Garson competed with three spades. North huddled before passing; still, South felt justiRied in acting again.

Against four hearts, West led the ace of spades, and I played the deuce, hoping for a club shift. The position was unclear, and West next led the ace of diamonds and then a club.

Declarer won but then took the A-K of trumps and went down one. Since I had opened two spades, vulnerable, the odds in the trump suit had changed. South should have played West for Q-x-x.

Regards to Dr. Godfrey Oakley, the distinguis­hed former director of the CDC’s Division of Birth Defects and inspiratio­n for the event, and to cochairs Brenda Shavin and Janet Edwards. Well done!

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: A975 Q94

A 10 7 9 5 3. Your partner opens one heart. The next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: With some flat 10-point hands, you might settle for a “heavy” raise to two hearts. A hand such as Q765, AJ4,K76, 9 5 3 would not be worth its point count. Your actual hand has two aces and some decent spot cards. Temporize with a response of one spade. If partner bids two of a minor suit next, jump to three hearts to invite game.

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